THE DUKE’S MATCH GIRL: A Christmas Fiery Tale Novella (Fiery Tales Series)

Free THE DUKE’S MATCH GIRL: A Christmas Fiery Tale Novella (Fiery Tales Series) by Lila DiPasqua

Book: THE DUKE’S MATCH GIRL: A Christmas Fiery Tale Novella (Fiery Tales Series) by Lila DiPasqua Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lila DiPasqua
God only knew the reason, it was only escalating.
    They were being far too loud for her frayed nerves.
    Suzanne groaned and pulled the covers over her head, trying to drown out the noise, wanting the world outside her room to go away. Yesterday had been a dismal failure. Neither the lace merchant nor the blacksmith’s wife had had any money to pay her for their tonics, bringing the number of patients who now owed her payment to an unprecedented
. And after three hours of trying, she’d sold the total sum of two matchsticks.
    Clearly, her lucky cloak was dead.
    All its wonderful luck had drained out.
    The day Leo arrived.
    What were the chances that he’d left for his grand château and this ordeal was over?
    The door slammed open, startling her. Gaspard, sleeping on the corner of her bed, leapt to the ground with a sharp meow.
    Rosalie was flushed and wringing her hands. “You’ve got to come. Right now.”
    Suzanne sat up, pulling the covers to her chest. “What’s happened?”
    “The entire town is here, and they are demanding to speak to you.”
town?” she repeated, skeptical. Rosalie was known to exaggerate from time to time.
    “Yes! THE ENTIRE TOWN! For God’s sake, HURRY!”
    SUZANNE WASHED AND dressed in wild haste and flew down the stairs, clutching her shawl. She stopped dead in her tracks at the doorway.
    Stunned by the sight before her.
    A throng had descended upon her shop. Dear God, it truly did look as though the entire population of the town was there.
    Lucille, Rosalie, Rolland, and two of Leo’s men had managed to maneuver the crowd into some semblance of a line. A line that went well out the door of her shop, spilling onto the streets.
    The moment they saw her, the mass surged toward her, a roar erupting.
    She jumped back in surprise.
    She caught a word here. And one there. But could make no sense of anything they were shouting.
    “What is happening here?” Her voice barely carried over the chaos.
    “The Duc de Mont-Marly,” was all Lucille shouted in response as she and Rolland were trying to keep the three feisty Alard spinsters back, their red hair a perfect match for their temperament. The three stout middle-aged sisters couldn’t have appeared more determined to get past them.
    “He’s commenced a contest,” Rolland added, then to the three siblings at the front of the line, “Ladies, please. A bit of patience. You’ll each have a turn.”
    A turn for what?
“What sort of contest?” Suzanne barely finished her question when Camille Alard, the eldest not to mention the shortest of the Alard sisters, kicked Rolland in the shin. He yelped as she raced around him and grabbed Suzanne’s hands.
    “You should go with the duc to Montbrison because he is very handsome, and he has good teeth. You can always trust a man with good teeth.”
    Suzanne blinked. “

    “Have I convinced you?” Camille asked, her hazel eyes wide, looking ever so hopeful.
    Oh no. He couldn’t have. He didn’t… He wouldn’t enlist the town to
— “What in the world are you talking about?” Suzanne posed the question, praying she was wrong in her deduction.
    “The Duc de Mont-Marly has offered ten
louis d’or
to the individual who convinces you to accompany him to his château and spend the upcoming fête with his family,” Camille explained. “I think you are mad not to go.”
    Dear God, he did! And he’s offering ten gold coins!
    Suzanne’s gaze shot up, taking in the mayhem once more. Normally placid townspeople were clamoring for her, pushing and shoving, trying to get closer. Those who were still outside, trying to get in.
” Camille prompted, impatient for her reply.
    “I’m afraid not.” Oh, she was going to kill Leo…
    “Step aside.” Marie Alard pushed her older sister out of the way, ignoring the protest she received from her sibling. “You should go with the duc and visit his family because you will have a lovely time with them.

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