
Free Hero by Rhonda Byrne

Book: Hero by Rhonda Byrne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Byrne
Tags: Mind Body Spirit
should have had and what you’re lacking and who should have given it to you. I grew up thinking nobody owed me anything. Realize that anything you have you’re blessed to have, because it could just as easily disappear. That’s a much better attitude to have.
    Because we see people around us who blame and resent and whine and complain, we can get the mistaken impression that it’s okay and won’t harm us. But all of those negative emotions will pull you down and down and disempower you until you feel hopeless. None of those emotions can ever fill you with the happiness you want and deserve. None of those emotions will lead you to your dream. None of them are befitting of the hero that you are.

It’s impossible that you’re going to be all cheery, happy, smiley, everything’s perfect all the time. There’s going to be jealousy, there’s going to be envy; all those negative things are going to occur at times. That’s just part of being a human. But do you give them ground to grow, or do you push them out and fill them with the positive things? What do you spend the majority of your time doing and thinking and saying? That’s what’s going to bear the fruit for you.
    A positive and optimistic attitude doesn’t mean you don’t have occasional down days. You will have some down days. It’s not about the occasional down days, though; it’s about how many of the 24,869 precious days of your life you’re enjoying because of your positive and optimistic attitude.

Try to operate on a daily basis with a quieted mind, not a mind that’s always second-guessing and wondering if you’re worthy. Negative thoughts like, “I don’t know if I can handle this,” “This is too big for me,” “I’ve never been here before,” “In the past I’ve come up short here or there,” draw your focus away from performing like you’re capable. We are likely to carry those thoughts with us and we won’t be as good as we could be.

Be aware of how you’re feeling, because there are times when you do feel negative, you feel down, or you feel defeated, and the most important thing you can do is accept responsibility, acknowledge that those feelings have emanated from the way you’re thinking, and choose to do something different to alter your current circumstances.
    If you’re feeling down, then do something that makes you feel really good and lifts your spirits. Think about the best thing you can do right in this moment that will make you feel as good as you can feel, and do it.

To make myself feel happy and positive, I first have to do something I love and build a sense of satisfaction within myself. So every day I go surfing, because I know that makes me feel very happy and satisfied.
    The mind of a hero is a predominantly positive mind. The attitude of a hero is consistently optimistic. Together, a positive mind and an optimistic attitude are an incredibly powerful tool to realize your dreams, because your thoughts and your attitude become your life!


Fear is an ever-present emotion in us. It’s part of what made us evolve.

You can never get rid of fear, because fear is a physiological response. You can hook someone up to a machine and you can see you’re having a fear response. You’re always going to have a fear response.
    Although we are each an individual, we are all human, and so every one of us has the full gamut of human emotions, such as fear, uncertainty, doubt, joy, passion, hope, and belief. At different times on the Hero’s Journey you will experience every one of these emotions. Just because someone is successful doesn’t mean they didn’t experience the same feelings of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Fear is the same for them as it is for you. Doubt is the same for them as it is for you. The successful person just decided to continue following their dream despite feeling those emotions. They didn’t allow

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