Mistletoe Magic
since Sophia had consistently tried to set Becca up with her only son, Joey. At first, Becca had been interested, but Joey wasn’t, and Becca soon realized that was a good thing, because they weren’t compatible. They’d gone out on a couple of dates over the years, mostly to satisfy Sophia, and they’d been bored with each other, not enough to talk about, even though they got along fine in the crowds of family gatherings.
    “I’m so glad you’re here early.” Sophia plopped the dough into a big white bowl and covered it with a flour sack towel. Then she wiped her hands on a red dishcloth and hugged Becca.
    “Thanks for inviting me. Can I do anything to help?”
    “Of course.” Sophia laughed. “But let’s sit and talk first. I need a cup of tea. You?”
    “Sure, thanks. Would you like me to get it?”
    “You’re a dear.” Sophia sighed into one of the oak chairs at the large oval table in the corner. The mellow winter afternoon light played through the red check curtains. They were usually blue, but Sophia changed them for the holidays.
    Becca put on the kettle, got down two Santa mugs, and placed tea bags in both.
    “Have you heard from your grandparents? Are they enjoying their trip?”
    “They arrived safely. I think they’re a little surprised by some of the changes, but they’re happy to be there after so many years.”
    “It was good of your dad to send them.”
    “He’s tried for years, but Grandpa never wanted to leave the store. Now he’s eighty, he finally decided a trip home to Italy would be worthwhile. And he has my cousin Dave trained now.”
    “I wish you’d stay here with us. I hate thinking of you all alone in the house.”
    “I’m okay.” She wasn’t, really. No Christmas decorations up. No family around. Supposedly, she lived with her grandparents to help them, but now she realized they helped her.
    The kettle whistled. Becca turned, glad to hide her face from Sophia’s knowing eyes.
    “I guess it might be awkward, since Joey’s here.”
    “How’s the remodel going?” Joey was moving into his cousin Lorenzo’s old apartment but his uncle, Sophia’s brother, who owned the building, was remodeling.
    “Good, should be done by February. I’m sure Grandpop would love to have you at his house.”
    Grandpop was Sophia’s uncle, but everyone, including all the younger family friends, called him “Grandpop.” He, like Sophia’s father, lived in a fabulous mansion up the hill with his grandson, Vincente, and his new wife, Gina.
    Becca poured water in the mugs, the tea bags puffing briefly. That’s how Becca’d felt so much of her life, puffed and scalded. She’d felt that earlier, and that was one reason she was here—it got her out of herself, helping someone she loved. She put a bit of sugar and milk into the tea and brought both cups to the table.
    “Thanks,” Sophia said. She blew on the surface of the tea.
    “Thank you for inviting me.” Becca slid into the chair next to Sophia’s. She wrapped her hands around the mug, letting the warmth ease her thoughts away.
    “You’re always welcome here.” Sophia took a quick sip. “Seems like Lita’s baby might share a birthday with you. She’s due right around Christmas.”
    “It’s fun, having a Christmas Eve birthday. But I’m sure that baby will get all the attention and love in the world whenever he’s born.”
    “Maybe she.” Sophia smiled, a tender look crinkled her eyes.
    “They haven’t told anyone the sex?”
    “Lita didn’t want to know. So they’re getting surprised—what a Christmas gift.”
    Becca nodded and sipped her tea. It was a gift Becca hoped would happen for her soon. Though without a husband, it wouldn’t happen for her at all. But she had her family, and her students, and they were all wonderful…mostly. She smiled.
    “I’m glad to see you looking happy. So, whatever

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