Send Me An Angel

Free Send Me An Angel by alysha Ellis

Book: Send Me An Angel by alysha Ellis Read Free Book Online
Authors: alysha Ellis
at him imploringly. “If I can’t have all that with you, then I don’t care if I miss out on it.”
    “But I do, Ellie. I can’t be responsible for taking all that away from you. When your time comes, you will go to Heaven and you’ll be ready for it, but, until then, you deserve to have the life you are entitled to.” He turned to the angel. “I said I would never leave her voluntarily, but, if that is what I must do to save Ellie, I place myself entirely in your hands. Do what you wish with me. Give me whatever punishment you see fit. I will accept it all, but do not punish Ellie. Do not take her life.”
    He untangled her hands from his and stepped away from her. Stepped towards the angel.
    Ellie tried to move, tried to make her hands reach out to hold him back, but she was transfixed, the wash of light pulsating from the angel draining her of the ability to move.
    The light took on another dimension. It hummed and vibrated. It washed over her in a wave that wasn’t sound, wasn’t light, wasn’t feeling, but was all of those and something far, far more.
    She screamed out her loss and terror and pain, but the scream was lost in the deluge of sensation. The light expanded and expanded in her mind until she could take no more, and slumped unconscious to the floor.
    When she awoke it was dark and silent. She could feel the low, distant beating of her heart. Only the knowledge that
had sacrificed himself so it would go on beating prevented her from willing it to stop. Nothing could prevent her broken sobbing.
    Instantly she was wrapped in a pair of strong, loving arms. Arms warm and vital with the pulsing heat of life.
    Afraid to believe, afraid he would disappear if she didn’t, she opened her eyes… and looked straight into
’s beloved ones. “You’re here. How? Why?”
gathered her to him and rested his cheek on her hair. There was no desperation in his grasp, just the strong awareness that he was never going to let her go. Not for long enough for either of them to truly be apart again. “The Boss. The Supreme Being. He intervened. For us. He said if there was something He understood, it was love and sacrifice.”
    “You don’t have to go back?”
    “Not until it’s your time, Ellie. Then we’ll both go. And even though we won’t have a physical love, we will be together.”
    Relief rushed through Ellie in a surging, healing wave. “I am so glad. And I won’t mind about the physical love thing, truly I won’t.”
grinned, “Well, I think I might. The only solution I can see is to wear ourselves out before that happens. Now, if we make love three times a day for the next sixty years that will make,” his eyes rolled up as he did a quick calculation, “sixty-five thousand seven hundred times, not counting leap years. That ought to keep us going for a while. And if it doesn’t, we can always try falling again.”
    He leapt onto her, all boyish enthusiasm, his eyes alight with love and mischief. “I suggest we make a start. We’ve got a long way to go to make up that number.”

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