
Free Kenton by Kathi Barton

Book: Kenton by Kathi Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi Barton
Tags: paranormal romance
over at him and Lewis
    before she let out a long sigh and spoke.
    “I need the six of you to get ready for dinner. We’re having a family gathering and
    there will be no excuses as to why you can’t make it. You will make a good impression
    on this woman and you will show up dressed like you know I want. Do I make myself
    clear?” The four of them nodded, and Kenton started to ask about Vance and Jorden.
    “I’ve spoken to Vance. He’s coming in today and Jorden is on his way here now. If you
    make me pissy, you know there will be hell to pay.”
    After a chorus of “Yes, ma’am” they all moved to their respective vehicles. His
    mom looked at him, and he started to ask her what had happened when she shook her
    head. Whatever it was, he knew that she’d only let him know on her terms and not
    before. As he started for the clinic, his mom called him back.
    “She has nothing.” He knew that and told her. “No. I don’t mean personal items,
    though she has none of those either, but she has no one to help her. A brother that she
    hates, a father that she doesn’t understand or know and now never will, and more
    heartache than I’ve ever seen on a woman before. Kenton, she’s going to need you to
    be…I was going to say understanding, but it’s more than that. She is overwhelmed and
    doesn’t understand why anyone would help her. Much less be there for her. She expects
    everyone to take advantage of her even when she has nothing they want.”
    “Mom, what is she to me, do you know?”
    His mom patted him on the cheek, and he was reminded of times when he’d been
    little and she thought he should know the answer to his question and knew he’d figure
    it out. Eventually. When she walked away from him, Kenton found himself torn.
    Did he go to his mom and ask more questions she wouldn’t answer, or go to the
    clinic and try to figure out if Emma knew? He had a feeling that he’d get more
    information from his mom, but it would be hard. Emma might hurt him, of course, but
    she was easy to look at when she was angry. Smiling, Kenton went to the clinic. She
    might hurt him, but he’d have a lot more fun, he thought.

Chapter 5
    Bart tried not to think about what the removal of the bandage meant. He knew that
    someone was changing it, the dressing they called it, but he’d been put under and he
    liked it that way. He knew that he’d be scarred. He also knew that he’d have to have
    cosmetic surgery as soon as possible. Sooner if he could get these bastards to do it.
    There was no way he was going to be able to conduct business looking like a freak. So
    when the doctor told him to close his eyes, he wanted to scream at him that he only had
    the one.
    “I want you to know that you’re going to look bad at first. The wounds are raw still
    and are going to take some time to heal. In about a year you can start having some other
    surgeries done to—” Bart started shaking his head, and the doctor told him to calm
    down. “You’ll not be able to do anything until all the wounds are healed, Mr. Gentry.
    There is still a chance for infection, and your body won’t be able to take any more
    damage done to it right now.”
    Bart was seething. He’d show the bastard what he could and could not do. He was
    going to be as perfect as he’d been before this shit had hit the fan. And the more he
    thought about it, the more pissed he got about how the timer had fucked up. He was
    going to sue that company as soon as he found his shit to see where he’d gotten it.
    The bandage came off, and he watched the doctor. He didn’t say anything to him,
    and for some reason that pissed him off more. Bart hated people, especially ones that
    knew more than he did. Not that he’d admit that aloud, but he knew there were some
    people that were a lot smarter than him. Reaching out for his arm to jerk him around to
    have him tell him what he saw, the doctor simply took a step away and stood there.
    That was when Bart looked at the

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