The Accidental Honeymoon
to grab a table there when I am in the city.”
    “I feel like I’m being spoiled.”
    “Life is too short to not spoil yourself every once in awhile.”
    Ryan Wilde’s Gulfstream arrives in Teteroboro airport at a little after 8 p.m. Karin can’t get over the fact that flying across the country can be this relaxing. She doesn’t even feel the least bit fatigued. The Gulfstream taxis up to a private hangar where a couple of Bentley sedans are waiting for the group.
    “So where are you guys staying?” Ryan asks his President and General Counsel.
    “We’ll be at the Mandarin Oriental.”
    “Fancy!” Ryan exclaims.
    “Well, not as fancy as your place.”
    “You could have stayed over at my place if you asked.”
    “I don’t think I could handle another one of your Manhattan house parties.”
    “Well, I’m about to be a married man. Those parties will have to come to an end. At least for the time being!” Ryan jokes.
    The group exits the plane. Michelle, the Emperor Technologies President gets into one of the Bentley Mulsannes with Author Stevens while Ryan and Karin take their own car. The cars make their way from the small airport in New Jersey over into Manhattan in under 20 minutes. Karin looks out of the window and stares at the giant buildings. She feels as though this is all a dream. “I can’t possibly be living this life,” Karin tells herself. The young intern watches as the Bentley makes its way to the Upper East Side. The vehicle turns onto 67th Street and stops in front of a large five story white marble townhouse.
    “Here we are!” Ryan tells his future wife.
    The driver gets out of the vehicle and opens the door for Karin. She looks up at the giant, imposing building. It is a complete contradiction to Ryan’s West Coast home. This Upper East Side mansion screams wealth, power and status. It is the residence that only a billionaire could call home.
    While Karin stands in near reverence to the structure, Ryan walks towards it as though it was some summer rental in Daytona Beach. “I think you’ll like it here,” he tells Karin casually. The young woman is still in too much shock to say anything. She follows her future husband into his Upper East Side residence. The entryway is a dizzying array of Italian marble, and granite busts of Roman Emperors man every corner. Thick columns of pure marble guard the foyer. The entryway is Imperial to say the least.
    Ryan leads Karin to one of the home’s three elevators. They ride up to the fifth level. Ryan leads his future wife down a hallway. “I called ahead and made sure your suite was ready. I hope you don’t mind the park view,” the Ryan tells Karin coyly. The young woman opens the door to a bedroom with an unobstructed view of Central Park. She just shakes her head, convinced that the universe is playing a giant trick on her.
    “You really know how to impress a girl.”
    “I also know how to make a girl throw dishes at my head. Just ask any of my ex-girlfriends,” Ryan jokes.
    “I don’t even know how I am going to sleep in this room.”
    “Why, is there too much light coming through the window? I can call the Mayor and have him shut off the street light.”
    “No. No. I think I’m just going to spend the entire night staring at this room.”
    “Oh, no. This room has a really nice bed. You’ll be in lullaby land as soon as your head hits the pillow. Never mind, sleep. Let’s dine.”
    Much to Karin’s amazement, Ryan arranged to have a change of clothing waiting for the young intern in her bedroom. Laid on the bed is a black dress, which is just her size. She checks the label - Prada. At the foot of the bed is a shoebox, also from Prada. She smiles and undresses. After taking a long, relaxing shower, she gets dressed and looks at herself in the mirror. “This guy has some good taste in clothing,” Karin tells herself.
    The young woman notices that the hemline on the dress reaches the middle of her thigh. While it

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