Acts of Courage

Free Acts of Courage by Connie Brummel Crook

Book: Acts of Courage by Connie Brummel Crook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Brummel Crook
nothing left.”
    “Oh, I see. Well, I’ll ask for you if you wish.”
    “Oh, yes, would you?” Laura said hopefully.
    James Secord walked over to the desk while Laura stayed back in the doorway. James spoke in a low voice to the man there, who put down his fine quill pen as he talked. Laura saw the man shake his head, but when James muttered something back, he nodded. Meanwhile, Father had come back inside to find out why Laura was lingering behind.
    James came toward them before Father had a chance to speak. “Mr. Ingersoll, I’m James Secord. Welcome to Queenston.” He extended his hand and smiled a welcome.
    Father shook the extended hand. “Thank you, James. Just call me Thomas, and I want to thank you for moving the trunk for my family.”
    “I was glad to help. Now, I understand you’re looking for accommodation. Two rooms are available with two large bedsteads, and they’ll set up cots for the rest of the children. Will that be enough accommodation for tonight?”
    “Why, yes,” Father replied in amazement. As long as there were beds ready for them all to collapse onto, he didn’t care how small the quarters. “We’re mighty obliged to you for getting us a dry roof over our heads.”
    “I’m afraid it’s just for tonight. The inn is full, but the owner is doubling up his own family to give you a couple of their rooms. Now, tomorrow, I can bring you a tent and set it up on some property I have on the edge of town. I’m sorry I can’t offer anything better.”
    “It’s the best offer we’ve had yet, and I thank you. Sally will be so relieved. She and our youngest are very tired from the trip.”
    “What part of the states are you from?”
    “Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and I’ve come to set up a farm in Upper Canada.”
    “Your daughter told me about the farm. I hope you like it here. We have good fertile land just waiting to be cleared.”
    “My good friend, Captain Brant, has already picked a site for us, but I haven’t seen it yet. I have to get the family settled at Queenston first. Now, we should be getting back. They’ve been waiting a long time.” Father stepped out onto the verandah with James and Laura following.
    “Let me help you bring your load up here to the inn,” said James.
    Father hesitated. “That would really help, but your team is already loaded down.” James’s horses were shifting restlessly and ready to be on their way home.
    “I have to take my supplies to St. David’s about five miles away, but then I’ll come back and help you. I’ll hurry. I’ll not be long.”
    “We would appreciate your help, and I’ll gladly pay for your services.” Father was reaching into his pocket.
    “No, that won’t be necessary, and I hope that the wait won’t be too hard for the women.” He looked at Laura again as he spoke. “Just a minute—wait here.” James turned and strode back into the inn before they had a chance to answer.
    Laura noticed the relief in her father’s face, but he looked very tired as he leaned against the railing on the verandah of the inn. His hair seemed more grey than brown now.
    James returned about five minutes later with a round basket covered with a bright cloth. “This will help pass the time until I return,” he said with a broad smile as he handed it to Laura.”
    Laura could smell fresh-baked bread and, peeping under the cover, she saw huge slices of cheese, a large, spicy apple pie, and some oatmeal cookies. “Thank you,” she called out. He was already off the verandah and busy unhitching his horses from the post where they were tied.
    Laura walked slowly behind her father down the pathway to where the family was waiting. Only once did she stop and turn to look back along the road to St. David’s, but James had already disappeared. All she could see was the hard, rutted road and miles of budding trees stretching on toward the horizon.
    “It’s surprisingly comfortable, Thomas,” Sally admitted.
    While still

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