Embracing the Fall

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Book: Embracing the Fall by Lainey Reese Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lainey Reese
Tags: Embracing the Fall
    Evan measured them both in silence. They were playful and cute. He hadn’t expected
     that. It was refreshing. He had been in the BDSM lifestyle for almost twelve years.
     That’s a long time. So long that he’d forgotten how to just play with a woman. Since
     he’d discovered his first club at age twenty-two, all of his sex had been intense
     structured scenes, with women who only looked him in the eye when given permission
     and the only time he spent with them was within that scene.
    Refreshing didn’t even begin to cover what he was feeling right now; faced with two
     beautiful and intelligent women who were in the mood to play was like a precious gift.
    He downed the shot while staring at them both, then took his time sucking the lemon
     and using his teeth to tear the flesh from the rind. He put the peel in his glass
     and sucked a dollop of sugar off his thumb. “Mmm, delicious.” He sat forward and fixed
     himself another while they continued to watch his every move. “Let’s do this.”

    They were on their fourth episode–the ladies had graciously decided to start from
     the beginning so he wouldn’t be lost in story lines and plot twists–and Evan was having
     a blast. The show was surprisingly witty and well written. But, it was the women who
     had him so enchanted.
    They laughed and spoke over most of it, shouting out lines with enough gusto to impress
     a Rocky Horror Picture Show fanatic. They drank like a couple of frat boys, throwing
     back the shots without hesitation and lining up the next round.
    As the night wore on, they shared tidbits about themselves. Cami was a movie buff
     and Z had an obsession with romance novels.
    They peppered him with good-natured probing about his life and the work that brought
     him to New York. He got a kick out of the wide-eyed reaction to his new line of business;
     all-organic grass-fed cattle. His was the largest ranch in Texas providing steroid-free
     beef, and he was in New York overseeing the new distribution side of it. “Most of
     America is content with what they get in the big chain stores. The general population
     sees organic as just a fad or sales gimmick,” he said with exasperation. “The food
     industry has been poisoning us for so long, people just accept it and think anyone
     who questions the need for all of the pesticides and chemicals is just a conspiracy
    “Not me,” Ziporah said with only a little slur in her voice. “I hate processed, packaged
     and pre-made garbage food. Homemade is the only way to go.” She tilted her head to
     the side and added as an afterthought with a little nod, “Although, I don’t always
     pick organic. It’s not the money, even though it’s more expensive. I get that it is
     because organic farms aren’t big massive productions and so their costs are higher.
     I’m cool with that . It’s that there isn’t what I need all of the time. If I’m making eggplant Parmesan
     and there is no organic eggplant ... well? What can I do?”
    “And organic meat is the hardest to get. Well, not really here in the city any more.
     It has caught on here. But back home? Almost impossible,” Cami chimed in, leaned into
     his side and rested her hand on his ribcage. Ah, alcohol, he thought , thank you . She nodded up at him as though encouraging him to agree with her, but his mind had
     shut off the minute her hands had landed on him. Looking down into her not-so-focused
     eyes, all he wanted was to kiss her. To keep from doing just that, he looked to the
     television. “Look, that one’s dusted– time for another round.”

    Ziporah and Cami had driven him crazy for the last hour. About a half hour into the
     first episode, they had snuggled up to his sides, brushing their breasts against his
     arms or rubbing their thighs along his. It was making it harder and harder for him
     to remember that they were new to the scene and this was not a BDSM club, so they
     were not simply his for the

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