Embracing the Fall

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Book: Embracing the Fall by Lainey Reese Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lainey Reese
Tags: Embracing the Fall
Buffy-thon. Then who knows? We’re here
     to explore, right? To embrace our fantasies and desires? Open ourselves up to that
     lifestyle and you to the adventure of a lifetime? Let’s go out there and face this.
     Together, like we’ve faced everything.” She laughed like a loon at the jaw-dropped
     look Z gave her. “What? You’re the only one who can be encouraging and strong? I’m
     not allowed to give you a boost when you need it?”
    “Well, no,” Z said in a mock stern voice as she tried not to smile and failed. “Not
     when it comes to sex, you’re not. I’m the one who’s supposed to be here for you, not
     the other way around.”
    “This is different then.” Cami declared. “This time around, it looks like we are going
     to have to be there for each other.” Cami turned to go, and then at the last second
     looked back over her shoulder. “Now, I know it’s just supposed to be Buffy and no
     fooling around, but do you think we could get him to let us take a peek at what he’s
     bringing to the table? You know, in case it turns out he’s only a one-inch wonder.”
     Then she sailed out, laughing as Ziporah cracked up.

Evan heard the laughter coming from the kitchen and turned to look just as they came
     scampering into view. They had both changed into lounging clothes before he got there
     and their carefree smiles and comfortably sexy attire reignited the fire that had
     been banked within him. Cami with her lush curves was dressed in a pair of grey work-out
     sweats that weren’t quite yoga pants. They were way too sexy to be termed just sweats,
     with the way they rode low on her hips and draped so lovingly over her remarkable
     ass, though. She had a slouchy cut-up pullover on top of it that he assumed she thought
     was modest because it was baggy. But it was slipping off her bare shoulders and drooping
     down in the front, showing him glimpses of the soft looking sports bra under it and
     even softer looking breasts.
    Ziporah was dressed in what he liked to call God’s gift to mankind: black skintight
     leggings. They clung to every toned and lithe inch of her– from the perfectly round
     globes of her high, tight ass, over her sleekly muscled thighs and down those mile
     long legs to her dainty bare feet. Instead of a loose fitting sweater like Cami, she
     had on a beat up tee shirt that at one time must have sported a band’s logo or album
     cover, but now all he could make out was faded colors and a few letters. It was so
     worn it was almost no barrier at all and as she dropped onto the couch cushion next
     to him, the gentle wobble of her small, high breasts told him she wore nothing underneath.
    It must be my birthday, he thought with an inner smile as Cami set the tray down in
     front of him and took a seat on his other side.
    “So,” Cami stated matter-of-factly as she palmed the remote. “Rules for Buffy-thon.
     You can talk when we do, but you can’t get offended if we hush you. We only do it
     so you don’t miss out on the best lines.”
    “Hmm-hmm.” Ziporah poured Frangelico liqueur and vodka into a shot glass and handed
     it to him with a wedge of sugared lemon. “Rule number two, every time a vamp bares
     their fangs, bites someone or gets dusted, we take a shot.” She licked her thumb and
     grinned at him when she caught him watching her do it.
    “Oh!” Cami added with a bounce, “and let’s also do one every time Giles cleans his
     glasses.” Ziporah seconded the notion so he guessed that was that.
    “What is this?” he asked, sniffing the nutty smelling drink in his hand.
    “It’s a chocolate cake shot,” Z said.
    “Don’t ask me how lemon and hazelnut make chocolate flavor but it works. Yummy,” Cami
     piped in as Z handed her the next shot, then made one for herself.
    “Now.” Both girls, loaded with their drinks and fruit, faced him with serious expressions
     as Z concluded. “Do you understand these rules as they have been explained to

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