Embracing the Fall

Free Embracing the Fall by Lainey Reese

Book: Embracing the Fall by Lainey Reese Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lainey Reese
Tags: Embracing the Fall
indeed. But together, they were
     able to afford an apartment that was spacious, above ground and in an area that they
     both felt safe walking home to.
    As Evan looked around, Cami felt pride in her and Z’s home. It was lovingly decorated
     by both of them, with Cami’s country living touches finding harmony with Z’s more
     sleek modern style.
    “Nice place you girls got here.” Evan’s warm voice filled the room and Cami almost
     closed her eyes to savor the rich tone of it.
    “Thanks.” She tugged a bright colorful throw blanket out of the way and motioned him
     toward the couch. “This is the prime TV seat. Z and I fight over it all the time.
     So, as honored guest, you get to sit here.”
    The smile he shot her was hot enough to melt snow and Cami caught herself sighing
     as she snuggled the blanket into her chest. Fire erupted in her cheeks when she heard
     him chuckle because he caught her, too. “Umm, here.” She flung the blanket at him
     and headed into the kitchen. “I’m gonna see if Z needs help with the snacks. What
     would you like to drink?”
    “Whatever you two are having is fine with me,” Cami heard as she almost tripped in
     her haste to flee.
    “Oh my God, Z.” She was breathless and scared and more excited than she remembered
     being in a long time. “He’s so hot. And his voice! Did you hear him? That accent turns
     my legs to jelly, I swear.”
    “Yeah,” Z said as she loaded up the pretty serving tray they found at a craft fair
     in Central Park last spring. “It’s enough to make any girl turn to jelly, so don’t
     feel too bad.”
    “Hey, Evan?” Cami called out, “we are going to be just a minute, okay?”
    “No problem, ladies,” he replied, “take your time.”
    “What’s up?” Z asked, still staring at the tray like it held the answers to the mysteries
     of the universe. “Why did you do that?”
    “So you can tell me what’s wrong.” Cami inched closer and rested her forehead on Z’s.
     “Spill it, sweetie. Two minutes ago you were all no-nonsense and take charge, and
     now you look like a good wind could knock you down. Is it Evan? Want me to ask him
     to go? I will. We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I can do it on my own.
     I’m a big girl, I’ll be fine.” Cami reached up and stroked one hand over the chic
     glossy bob of Z’s dark hair. It was like running her hand over satin; it was so smooth
     and healthy.
    The fact that Z didn’t move or immediately shoot down her concerns had Cami worried.
     Z was the strong confident one between the two, so if she was afraid to speak up,
     something must be terribly wrong.
    “Don’t ask him to leave,” she finally whispered, and with a sigh, turned to wrap one
     arm around Cami’s waist and place one hand lovingly on her cheek. “But, I didn’t expect
     this, Cam. I like him, too. A lot. It’s making this seem more important than I thought
     it would be.”
    Cami saw the same expression on Z’s face whenever she was telling her a hard truth,
     like when her bird had flown away because Z had forgot to close the window. Or when
     Z told her their friend Angie had been attacked and that they didn’t know if she was
     going to make it.
    So, seeing that same look now told Cami that she had better think before she spoke.
     Evan was handsome, no doubt. But, they had just met him today and Z wasn’t the type
     to get all girly over a boy. For her to confess this now meant that Z must be as nervous
     about this next step as Cami was herself. Somehow, that was more encouraging to Cami
     than all of the coaching she’d been getting so far. If her stalwart and un-flappable
     Ziporah was all flustered and excited too, then that meant that she wasn’t alone.
    So, in the spirit of solidarity, she wrapped an arm around Z’s tense shoulders and
     said, “Okay. So what?” With a cheeky smile that she always used to get Z to give in
     to her, she grabbed the serving tray. “It’s a

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