
Free Jase by MariaLisa deMora

Book: Jase by MariaLisa deMora Read Free Book Online
Authors: MariaLisa deMora
of her hand bumped against the underside of his hard cock, arching over his body. Drawing a deep breath at a second contact, he tried to temper his response, but felt the twitch and bob of his cock as it eagerly sought her teasing warmth. Little Jase had a mind of its own, not just its own head, seemed like. More touching, yes, good …more contact, it appeared to be saying.
    She stretched, lifting her face towards his, and he met her halfway, pressing his lips against hers in a soft, gentle kiss. Her fingers wrapped around his cock and she took advantage of the gasp that parted his lips, slipping her tongue into his mouth and deepening the kiss. Her hand smoothly sliding over sensitive skin kept his attention, even as she stroked deep in his mouth, her tongue playing with his. Feeling her shift in the bed , he realized she was pressing her pussy against his thigh, seeking her own pleasure, rough hair rasping on his skin. Cock, lips, leg…so many sensations to keep track of. Befuddled, his hips jerked involuntarily.
    She had pulled back and was whispering something. What was she saying? He focused and heard, “—condom, Jase?” This he could answer; he had protection in his wallet. He gritted out the information, again thrusting through the grip of her hand. Softly kissing him, she patted his chest with one hand while squeezing him tightly with the other.
    “Be right back,” she said and released him to lean out of the bed. He gripped her hips. Wouldn’t want her to fall out of bed now; no reason to let her get hurt. God, her ass is beautiful, round and soft , he thought. Using his thumbs, he spread her cheeks to get a brief glimpse of the tight rosebud hiding there and the soft, pink petals of her pussy before she straightened, his wallet in hand.
    She handed it to him and he retrieved the foil square, then thought better and took out a second one, waggling the two packets at her between his fingers, drawing a laugh from her lips. “Confident, are we?” she asked in a teasing tone, and he nodded.
    “Hell yeah, baby, I’m confident. I watched you all night. Watched you walking out and talking to people…men. Good lookin’ sons a bitches , some of them. Then you came back to be with me. So, yeah, I’m confident. Come to think of it, two might not be enough. Might have to call the concierge at this fancy hotel and have them run to the pharmacy. We’ll have to specify the size though. Most people don’t worry about it, but size is important.” He was babbling, thinking to himself, Shut up mouth. Shut up now .
    “Is size that important? I thought all guys stuck to the old saying of it’s not the size of the stick, but how you shift with it?” She leaned in and was licking and kissing his neck, distracting him from their conversation. God. What had she said? Oh, yeah, size matters.
    “In hockey, we say it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. Baby, I have not only the size, but the fight going for me too.” He twisted on the bed, rolling her underneath him. “Now, stop talking. You’re sidetracking me from important work here.”
    She laughed, giggling into his chest. He liked that she wasn’t afraid to laugh in bed. He liked her. A lot. She asked him, “Important work?”
    “Incredibly important, it’s the most important thing I’ve done in weeks. I need to memorize you, every inch. I don’t want to miss anything. It’s a good thing I’m a quick study, dontcha know?” God, was that my Alberta drawl coming out? Now? “It’s a hands-on study, no holds barred, utterly in-depth. I’ll have to touch everything, everywhere. I work best with my hands, eh?” Again with the Canuck-speak?
    Rising on his elbows, he framed her face with his hands, tracing her features with his fingertips. Moving slowly, he softly kissed a line from her ear across her cheekbone and down to her lips, parted and waiting for him. “I’ll know everything about you by night’s end,”

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