Deadly Ties

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Book: Deadly Ties by Vicki Hinze Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vicki Hinze
Tags: Suspense
because he lacked his own. Now he wondered why. “The fact is, I’m floored by her purity.”
“Um.” Sam tugged at his cap’s brim. “Can’t say that’s an asset I generally seek in my women.”
Mark frowned. “I mean inside, moron.”
“Sam, you’re hopeless.” Flustered, Mark gave up.
Tim walked over. “Tell us what you mean, buddy.”
He was sorry he’d brought it up. But he couldn’t undo what he’d done. “She’s got this innocence about her, and she believes in other people. She sees the good in them, even when you really have to look hard to find it.”
Tim dipped his chin. “That’s nice. But not what this innocence is about, is it?”
Mark opted for the truth. “No. It’s about the way she is with me.”
“How’s that?” Joe asked.
“Tender. I love that. She’s protective of Mel and the others—most of the time overprotective—but she’s not tender with them like she is with me. I don’t know. I can’t figure it out, much less explain it.”
“None needed.” Tim assured him. “I think of Mandy and know exactly what you mean.”
“Well, if you’ve got any sense, you’ll hightail it outta here, bud.” Sam sighed. “Otherwise you’re gonna end up hogtied, dragging a pure ball and chain.”
Mark looked Sam straight in the eye. “Hers? I should be so lucky.”
Tim clapped Mark on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, buddy. Their turns will come.” Tim lifted his chin. “Sometimes being led by the nose must be experienced to be appreciated—like classical music and opera.”
Sam harrumphed. “I’ll stick to country.”
Mark swung his gaze to Joe, who held up a staying hand. “Sorry, bro. I’m a jazzman. Why pick a woman with that kind of power?”
“I didn’t exactly pick her.” Mark shrugged. God had picked her for him. “The first time I saw her, I just knew she was it. I don’t know what I have to do to earn her, but whatever it is, I’m in. She’s worth it.”
“Earn her?”
“Well, yeah.” Mark grunted. “You know. You never get something for nothing. I’m just saying, whatever the cost, I’ll pay it.”
“Well,” Joe confessed, “I’ve been giving you a hard time, but if she looked at me like she looks at you, I’d know it too.” Joe turned to the others. “She teaches self-defense to at-risk women. Even during med school.”
“Wait a second.” Nick lifted a hand. “Did I just pay my fifty by mistake?”
“How would I know?” Mark glared at Nick and Tim. “I was the bet. I don’t know the terms you goons put on it.”
Nick stayed Mark’s objection. “From your own mouth, are you or are you not in love with her, man?”
Mark bit the bullet. “I love her. Always have, always will. But she doesn’t know it.”
“You haven’t told her?”
Mr. Refined sounded stunned. “No, Tim, I haven’t told her. She’s had enough to deal with without my complicating her life even more.”
Joe rubbed his chin. “So you just do what you can to help her and her mom out and keep the rest to yourself.”
“Pretty much, yeah.” Mark searched for condemnation in their eyes but saw none.
“Smart move,” Tim said. “Especially under these circumstances.”
“I have to agree.” Sam swiped his teeth with his tongue. “She’s had her hands full, and relationships are messy.”
“Like you’d know.”
“Yeah, Nick, I do know.” Sam grinned. “I have a relationship every couple months. Then they get the look , and I run. Fast.”
Nick snorted. “Coward.”
“Hey, I’ll dodge bullets anytime. But I don’t want to be anywhere near a woman with the look . I’m not that brave.”
Tim grunted. “Someone sharing your life and caring about you … Yeah, being loved is a real hardship.”
“Not all women are like Mandy, okay,” Sam said. “If they were, all you doofuses would be engaged.”
“Buddy, you don’t have to tell me she’s a rare find. I know it.”
“Well, I know I’d welcome the look from Lisa.” So far Mark’s odds for

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