Deadly Ties

Free Deadly Ties by Vicki Hinze

Book: Deadly Ties by Vicki Hinze Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vicki Hinze
Tags: Suspense
than infiltrating the terrorist cell in Iraq.
Tim smiled. “So what’s up?”
This is where things got touchy. “One of our former friends sent me a video. Fifteen seconds long. It’s of two women fighting.”
“You called us here because of a cat fight?” Sam grunted. “Man, go to Hooley’s Bar at home any night of the week—”
“It’s not just a cat fight, Sam. Reportedly NINA controls the fighters, and they fight to the death.”
Nick cleared his throat. “I heard they were into prostitution but not fighting. Did you see the death?”
“The cartels do both and have for years,” Tim said. “Guess NINA saw income potential.”
Mark agreed. “They apparently need more funding to carry out their agenda than they’re getting through their normal channels. Word is they’ve joined forces with the criminal culture to get it.”
“That’s pretty much what my source said,” Joe told him.
“Consider it confirmed, then.”
“Why wouldn’t NINA do that? Money is its primary objective. It doesn’t care about the source.” Tim sat forward, braced his arms on his knees. “Iran’s been working on infiltrating the Mexican cartels for a couple of years. Seems logical NINA wouldn’t want to miss that opportunity.”
Nick raised his forefinger. “What does this have to do with the princess in peril who’s stolen your heart?”
“I don’t know that it has anything to do with it. My source says the same thing as Joe’s. There’s chatter NINA is active again in this area. If so, odds are good they’re coming after Kelly Walker. She can tie one of their bigwigs, Karl Masson, to bringing terrorists into the country. If they come, I need help I can trust to protect her. So I summoned you.”
“You run the video through official channels?” Joe asked.
Quantico . “Redundant. I did ask a friend here, Beth Dawson, to see if she could study the tape and pinpoint the source or the location.”
“You went to an outsider?” Sam sounded horrified.
“Beth’s not an outsider. She’s volunteered at the center for years—and don’t sneeze at that. The woman happens to be one of the leading computer experts in the country. She co-owns a killer software firm.”
“Unnecessary risk.” Nick wore his objection on his reddened face. “If our guys can’t find it, why bring her in?”
“Because when our guys are stuck, they go to her for help. They’ve tried to recruit her, but they can’t afford her.” Mark cut to the chase. “What she does for them she does out of duty. What she does for the center she does out of faith.”
“You trust her?” Joe called the question, but they all waited for Mark’s response.
“Okay, bud. Enough said. Let’s see your princess.” Sam motioned with his pretzel. “Where’s her picture?”
Mark advanced the slide. His breath caught, hitched in his chest. She stood on the church lawn in a flowing dress, her head thrown back, her long blond hair loose to her shoulders lifted by the breeze, laughing, a wide-brimmed hat dangling from her hand at her side. “This is Lisa.”
Sam whistled. “Whoa.”
“Enchanting,” Tim said.
“Wow.” Nick’s brows shot up. “No wonder you’re nuts about her. She’s beautiful.”
“The picture doesn’t do her justice.” Joe offered his opinion. “Trust me, I’ve seen her. She can kick his backside in hand-to-hand too. Fights dirty to do it, though.”
Sam scrunched his shoulders. “That’s not good.”
“Sam … Sam.” Tim shook his head. “How often must it be said? Ask the right question.” Tim focused on Joe. “ How does she fight dirty?”
Joe grinned. “She kisses him.”
The guys got a good laugh out of that one. “Enough, Joe.”
He cut his glance to Mark. “Uh-oh. This isn’t the brotherly kind of love like you had for Jane. You’re in love with Lisa.”
“Oh, man.” Sam whacked his thigh and expelled a sigh so deep it lifted his linebacker-sized shoulders. “Another bachelor bites the

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