Shafting the Halls

Free Shafting the Halls by Cat Mason

Book: Shafting the Halls by Cat Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Mason
                                                                                                  \ /


    “Please explain to me why the hell we’ve been waiting outside this damn toy store for hours on a Friday night?” Mack bitches while assessing the crowd packed in around us. “Shouldn’t we be at home resting after touring six months straight?”
    “It’s for Jazzie,” I remind him and he quiets instantly.
    Henry stares through the automatic glass stores, no doubt casing out the joint. The wheels in his head work furiously, playing out each and every scenario in his head for the best result. “What’s the game plan, Big Man?” Grayson asks, stepping between us.
    “Looks like fifty ‘Be A Princess Dress Up Vanities’ on that display. Roughly seven-hundred-and-sixty feet to the display from the front door and there are four of us. I have no doubt that we can make this happen,” he replies, pointing inside. “If we spread out two and two, this should be no problem.”
    “I can’t believe all these women are lined up for this damn toy.” Gray shakes his head in disbelief as he takes in the crowd wrapped around the outside of the store. “Okay, we got this.” He sighs and cracks his knuckles, limbering up like he is about to run a marathon or some shit. “I say we swoop in hard and fast so we can be in and out in two minutes.”
    “Sounds like a plan,” I say and bump his fist. Game face on. The one thing my five year old daughter wants for Christmas is within my reach and I will get it, damn it. If only all women were as easy to please as Jazzie.
    “That’s Hunter’s specialty, isn’t it, man?” Mack says, elbowing me in the ribs.
    Sliding my sunglasses down, I glare at him. “You know, asshole, your red hair and the jealous as fuck cock envy green you’re wearin’ right now, kinda has me in the holiday spirit. Makes me want to sing my new favorite

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