One Night Stand

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Book: One Night Stand by Parker Kincade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Parker Kincade
it was quite a smile. She wondered how many panties he’d melted with that expression, because it was certainly starting to get to hers.
    “I’m plenty old enough to be in here,” he confirmed, leaning in to brush his lips against her ear. “But still young enough to show you a thing or two … for as long as you need showin’.” He pushed his hat back on his head. “Wanna dance?” He extended his hand in offering.
    She watched him as she picked up her shot glass and brought it to her lips. His golden gaze was glued to her mouth as she licked the rim slightly before drinking it down in one gulp. When she reached to take his hand, he swooped his arm around her and lifted her off her feet, pressing her tight against him.
    “Oh!” She laughed as he swung her around and placed her on her feet again. “Please tell me that wasn’t it.”
    “We’re just gettin’ started, darlin’. I aim to burn off a little steam tonight, and you’re just about the tastiest thing I’ve ever seen. Care to join me in a little hell-raisin’?”
    “Cowboy, you have no idea. Buy me another shot and then you can show me your moves,” she said suggestively and smiled as he threw his head back in laughter.
    He twirled his finger at the bartender to signal another round. “Darlin’, I got moves that’ll curl your toes,” he promised.
    “I’m counting on that, Cowboy,” she said as she accepted her drink.
    After another round, she was beginning to feel the blissful warmth that came with being tipsy. She was far from drunk and perfectly happy to let her cowboy lead her to the dance floor. She pressed herself along the length of him and swayed as he spun her into a slow, tight dance. His hands caressed the skin of her back, farther exposed as she reached up and laced her fingers around his neck.
    Halfway through the first song they were interrupted by another man looking to cut in. Cowboy clutched her tight for a minute and put his mouth to her ear. “I don’t mind watching you dance with other guys tonight, darlin’, but you’re goin’ home with me.” He winked at her before giving her ass a possessive squeeze and passing her to the other man.
    After Sam had danced with just about every guy in the place, she felt as if she was going to fall over. She laughingly held off her next admirer. “I need a drink.” Her buzz was completely gone. She scanned the crowd for Cowboy and found him watching her from the spot at the bar where they’d met. He held up a glass to her to indicate he had one waiting.
    The minute she reached him, he grabbed her up and planted a kiss on her lips. She opened and let him in. And boy oh boy, he didn’t disappoint. His lips were firm and demanding. His mouth possessed her; his tongue tangled with hers until she was breathless. She pulled away. “What was that for?” she asked.
    “Because you’re drivin’ me crazy, that’s why.” He nuzzled her cheek.
    His hand caressed up her side, his thumb grazing intimately across her nipple. Her body responded immediately, her nipples tightening into hard buds and warmth flooding her panties. “You about ready to get out of here?” she asked.
    “Finish your drink, darlin’, then I’ll take you wherever you wanna go.” He reached down and lightly fingered the jewel at her navel. “’Cause honestly, I can’t wait to get you naked.”
    Oh hell yeah!
    She pressed her breasts against his chest and nipped his chin. “And what’ll do you with me once you get me naked?”
    “He’s not going to do a goddamned thing, because he’s not getting you naked,” a voice growled from behind her.
    “What’s it to you?” Her cowboy sneered over her shoulder. “You her boyfriend or somethin’?”
    “Or something,” Sam said as a hand clamped down on her bicep. She didn’t turn around, just glared at the fingers that gripped her. “Get your hand off me, Caleb.” She jerked her arm, emphasizing her demand.
    “Mister, I don’t know who the hell you are,

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