One Night Stand

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Book: One Night Stand by Parker Kincade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Parker Kincade
but the lady doesn’t want you touching her so how’s about you back the fuck off?”
    “ Son , unless you want a whole mess of shit you can’t handle, which in my current mood would suit me just fine, you’ll back the fuck off. Trust me when I say I could wipe the floor with you without breaking a sweat.” His grip increased on Sam’s arm. “Wanna try me?”
    Sam gave her cowboy a defeated look. “I’m sorry. This isn’t what I intended. This jackass,” she tugged on her arm again, “thinks he’s some kind of watchdog or something. Maybe we can hook up … hey!” Caleb jerked her back against him.
    “She’s nothing but trouble, I assure you. Get out while the gettin’s good, man.” Caleb sounded almost apologetic.
    Sam nodded at her cowboy and he backed off. “I ain’t lookin’ for a fight, dude. I was just lookin’ to have some fun. If she’s yours, then by all means. But you really should keep a better eye on her. A gal like her won’t ever be alone long.” He winked at her before strolling off and leaving her in Caleb’s clutches.
    “Let go of me, Caleb.” Her hands itched with the urge to slug him.
    “Are you going to be good?”
    Seriously? “No.”
    “Then what’s my incentive to let go?” He pulled her deeper into his chest, sounding as close to being amused as she’d ever heard him.
    “Um, keeping your balls in their proper anatomical position?”
    He snorted. “We’re going to talk, Samantha.”
    She whirled on him, forcing him to release her or twist her arm. He quickly released her. “No.” She jabbed her finger into his chest. “You mean you’re going to talk and you expect me to listen. Who do you think you are, anyway? You’ve never given two shits about me or my life except when it concerns Amanda. Now that you know where she is, there shouldn’t be any reason for you to keep hounding me.”
    “For some ungodly reason,” he took hold of her arm again, “everything about you concerns Amanda.” He gave her a pointed stare. “Which concerns me.”
    She dug her boot heels into the floor as he started to drag her away. “I’m not leaving.”
    “You’re not staying.” He simply continued to pull her along behind him.
    She cursed and followed, if only to save herself the embarrassment of tripping and being dragged out of the bar on her ass. By the time they hit the parking lot, she was steaming mad. And still very horny.
    He backed her up to his truck and was in her face before she could form words to yell at him. “Just what the fuck did you think you were doing in there?” he demanded.
    Sam was taken aback by the anger rolling off him. Oh sure, he’d been mad at her in the past. Hell, she wouldn’t know what to do if he wasn’t frustrated with her about something. But this was new. She’d never seen him actually ready to spit nails at her before. She wasn’t sure what to do. Flustered, she pushed at him. He didn’t budge so much as an inch. Bastard.
    “Do you have any idea who broke into your office? Your apartment?” She opened her mouth to respond but he kept going. “How do you know that whoever is looking for you isn’t in this bar right now? That he isn’t that innocent-looking cowboy you almost took back to your hotel? Christ, Samantha, you can’t be this foolish.”
    “I’m not being foolish, I was trying to get laid. Burn off a little stress, you know?” She sneered at him. “You ought to try it. It might help your disposition a little.”
    “You offering? ’Cause I guarantee I could do a better job than the youngster you were about to leave with.” His eyes flashed in a way that made her suddenly uneasy.
    She took a breath. “You’re such an ass.”
    “Tell me something I don’t already know, darlin’. But that doesn’t change the fact that someone is looking for you, or something you have. Until we figure this out, you’ve got to be more careful. No more bars, no more … well, just no more.”

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