Lucky Strike

Free Lucky Strike by M Andrews

Book: Lucky Strike by M Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: M Andrews
can see the faint signs of a baby bump beginning to show. I meet her big blue eyes, the tears beginning to well up in them, just as they are in mine. Brooke crosses the threshold and envelopes me in her arms and that’s when the tears start to stream down my face. My hand falls from Ryder’s and my arms wrap around Brooke.
    “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” I chant over and over again. It’s the only thing I can get to come out.
    “Shhhh. It’s okay, I’m so glad you’re home.” Brooke gently rocks me in her arms.
    Ryder sneaks past us and heads inside the house to give Brooke and me a little space.
    “I’m sorry for running away like I did. I’ve missed you so much. I’ve felt so empty without all of you.” I sob into her shirt. The emotions flooding out of me. It feels both painful and freeing.
    “Ryder told me everything that happened that night and I understand, sweetheart.” She pulls away and cups my face in her hands. “No more tears. Your home now and you’re safe. That is all that’s important.” She gives me a warm smile and hugs me again.
    “How is it that you are so forgiving?”
    “It’s because I love you, and I know what it feels like to be in your shoes. I also believe people deserve second chances. But if you ever pull that shit again, I will punch you in the clit,” she warns. My thighs clenching at the mere thought of her doing that.
    Don’t ever piss off Brooke.
    “I promise this will never happen again. Now can I meet your beautiful little girl?”
    “Yes, of course.”
    Brooke grabs my hand and leads me inside. Ryder is sitting on the floor with Ella in his lap, making silly faces at her. Brooke lets go of my hand then scoops up Ella into her arms.
    “Ella, this is your Auntie Lucky. Lucky this is Ella Faith.”
    She hands Ella to me. Ella looks up at me her big brown eyes studying my face. She is so damn cute in her little red and white plaid jammies, that match Brooke’s shirt and her big red bow headband.
    “Oh my God, Brooke she’s beautiful,” I say before giving her a little kiss on her chubby little cheek.
    “We call her Brian’s mini me,” Ryder chimes in walking up behind me.
    “If Brian were a girl he would definitely look like her.” Brooke smiles rubbing Ella’s back.
    “It’s a good thing your daddy is a cop because the boys are going to be beating the door down to get a piece of you.” I give her a little grin.
    “Your Aunt Lucky can teach you how to kick the little boy’s asses like she did mine,” Ryder teases.
    “Ry-Ry,” Ella mumbles, reaching her hands out for Ryder to pick her up. He scoops her up and holds her above his head then brings her down to blow a raspberry on her tummy. She lets out a cute little squeal of joy.
    “She certainly loves you.”
    “Those two have become good buddies. Ella loves her Uncle Ryder.”
    It’s cute watching Ryder with Ella. He never really bonded like this with Bailey, Lucy’s daughter. Ella just adores him and it’s kind of sweet. He’s going to be an amazing dad, assuming I can get my shit together enough to give him kids.
    Brooke grabs my arm and leads us upstairs, leaving Ryder and Ella to play while we talk. We walk down the hallway, my eyes quickly glimpsing at the pictures hanging on the wall, ranging from Brian and Brooke’s wedding to Ella’s first birthday. All happy memories I missed out on. The feeling of guilt rushes back. I’ve missed so much.
    We step into Brooke’s bedroom, she closes the door behind us and motions for me to join her in the little sitting area by the bay windows. I slowly walk over, looking around the room. There’s a big king sized bed, covered with large fluffy white pillows and a matching duvet. My eyes catch a glimpse of the painting hanging on the wall above the bed, it’s the painting I did for Brooke after Brian and she were engaged. It’s a painting of them on the beach the day Brooke said goodbye to Jake and gave her heart to Brian. It was a sweet

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