Gentleman's Guide 01 - His Impetuous Debutante
couldn’t bring himself
to leave. After the tea was poured and the servants left, Phoebe
acknowledged her brother. “Did Mother send you? She must have, you
have never …”
    “ Disturbed you during your
rendition of Bach,” he offered with a smile.
    Phoebe blushed and looked down at her
cup. “Yes.”
    “ Victoria is concerned.
You have never played these particular pieces for so long without
moving on.”
    “ I am sorry I worried her.
I’ll see her in a little while.” Neither brother nor sister spared
a glance to Taylor. For the first time in her life, Lady Phoebe
appeared obedient, if that was a word that could describe her.
Felding studied her, as if trying to determine what was
    “ Perhaps you would like to
actually discuss what is troubling you for a change.”
    Lady Phoebe sighed. “It is really
nothing that won’t be solved at the end of the Season.”
    “ The Season is bothering
you? Did something happen?”
    She allowed a small, comforting smile
to her brother. “Yes, in a way. I did a lot of thinking last night
and finally realized how reckless I have been. You know me, Noah,
and how I am with rules. The rules and games here baffle me.
Everyone wanting to think the absolute worst instead of accepting
honest explanations. I realized how many times my actions could
have brought embarrassment and disgrace to you and mother. I
apologize for that.”
    “ I know this is not easy
for you, Phoebe. You have never been governed by society and have
always enjoyed immense freedom at home.”
    She stared down at her cup.
    “ Would you like to go
riding today? I know that always makes you feel better.”
    She looked up and smiled. “That would
be wonderful, but no. Being forced into a side saddle would only
add to my frustration at the moment.”
    Felding laughed. “I am surprised you
didn’t bring your britches with you.”
    “ Who said I didn’t?” She
half smiled.
    Taylor simply observed the
strange conversation, wishing he hadn’t heard. Envisioning Lady
Phoebe astride a horse in britches did nothing to help his predicament.
    They quieted and Lady Phoebe became
serious. “Noah, I promise to think more clearly from now on about
where my actions could lead me. I’ll do my best not to cause you
problems any longer.” She turned to Taylor. “I am sorry if I have
been a burden, Lord Sandlin. I’ll do my best to stay out of trouble
so you can enjoy the remainder of the Season as well.”
    He was somewhat startled by her
apology. She truly meant what she said, but it was as if some of
the life had gone out of her. “You have been anything but a burden,
Lady Phoebe.”
    “ You are being kind.” With
that she stood and turned her attention to her brother. “Now, if
you will excuse me, I think I will get some rest. I didn’t sleep
well last night and there is a long evening ahead.” She was
directing her comment to Felding and not Taylor.
    Both men stood. “Until this evening,”
Taylor said.
    She acknowledged him with a nod and
left the room. The two sat back down.
    Maybe he had been too hard on her last
night. Yet, he couldn’t and wouldn’t change that now. The Season
would end eventually. Perhaps she would receive an offer she would
like to accept or return to the country where she was free to be
herself once again. The idea of her marrying any of the men who
showed interest bothered Taylor. He could think of no one who would
understand her, or who wouldn’t try to mold her into an obedient,
well-behaved wife. None would appreciate her openness and honesty.
She wouldn’t be happy with that kind of man. She needed someone who
didn’t care that his wife was different from the rest, who would
love her easy laughter and reckless nature. Someone who would live
in a constant state of frustration because of her temerity, but
still love her all the same. Being married to Lady Phoebe would be
wonderful and exciting and there wasn’t a man he knew who would
appreciate the rare person she

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