Embracing Everly

Free Embracing Everly by Kelly Mooney

Book: Embracing Everly by Kelly Mooney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Mooney
Tags: Contemporary
of it was too much. I looked up. “Maybe we should just take a little break?” Yes, that would help me clear my head to work out my feelings for Charlie and my sudden interest in Mick.
    “What? No, Everly, don’t let him win. He’s fucking with your head.”
    “I’m sure you’re right, but all the same.”
    He turned to his boys and mumbled something I didn’t catch. “Don’t do this. Let’s go out to dinner tonight, baby.” He cooed. “We’ll even get Italian. I know you love the pasta at that little place downtown.” His lips touched mine softly, reminding me how I was always a sucker for his kiss and my favorite pasta.
    “You swear to me.”
    “Baby, I swear.” He was looking me straight in the eyes, and I could see how much I meant to him as he argued with me to believe him. So I chose to give him the benefit of the doubt. Once. That’s all he’d get—one chance.
    Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe Mick was lying or thought he saw something. Maybe Charlie was right. Maybe Mick wanted me and he was being deceitful to get me. After all, he had been hanging around, popping up, trying to make friends with me, telling me to dump Charlie every chance he got. Well, I wouldn’t let him win. It wasn’t right for a man to go after a woman who flat out told him she was taken. “Okay, pick me up at seven.”
    “I’ll be there.” Charlie picked me up and spun me around as he kissed me. He placed me back down, and I saw it; relief. The patrons were all watching us, judging me. I could see it in their eyes, their disapproving looks. In my heart of hearts, I thought they might be right. Maybe the relief in his eyes was that I believed him so easily. No doubt that I had my suspicions raised now, and I would be more cognizant of his actions moving forward with Charlie. I might have just let the wrong guy walk out. But, I needed to figure that out all on my own. I had a father who taught me not to take any shit from anyone, raised me to defend myself. I wasn’t about to let him down now. I just had to pay better attention to the people I let in my life.

    FUCK HER! ABORT mission immediately.
    Four shots in and Dawson had been ringing my phone off the hook. It had been a few hours since I left her with that prick. At this point, I’d convinced myself it was for the best. I had no right breaking her heart, fighting for it, or wanting it. It wasn’t that I never longed for love; I just didn’t want it now. I was only twenty-five and in the prime of my life. I had a few girls to plow through when I got back to the clubhouse, and a shit load of college girls to work out my aggression on while here on the job. I didn’t need a five foot three, barely weighing in at hundred pounds with a rack that probably took up five of those lbs. It wasn’t lost on me that girls flocked to me for my looks and then tried to stay for my skills between the sheets. And I was fine with them using me like I used them. It was a win-win for both of us. Who the hell needed hearts and love and all the shit that came with it? Not Mick O’Malley!
    As I downed another shot, I hoped that I didn’t regret leaving her with him. Even though I was pissed at her choice, I would never want to see harm come her way. But, I had to walk. I couldn’t stand to witness her buying into his bullshit lines.
    After the eighth time and sick to death of hearing it ring, I picked it up. “What?”
    “Haven’t heard from you in three days, Irish. What’s going on up North?”
    “It’s all good. She’s safe as a kitten. Although, she has a dick for a boyfriend. Cheating bastard.” I knew he could probably hear the outright jealousy in my voice, but I didn’t give a shit at that moment. I downed another shot, hating that I was jealous.
    “Did you need to make contact yet?”
    “Yeah, I did. She’s a sweet girl. Kick ass-fucking singer too. Not so smart in the love department. I caught him fucking some bitch at a strip club last night.

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