cut our guys to bits. Did you think of that? Did you?” he yelled.
    “Yes sergeant major I did,” I said softly, and the soldier just stood there a moment as I continued. “That is why I came to you. You understand how vulnerable our troops would be so I’ve come to you with ways to defend against those weapons.”
    The sergeant major just stood there. “You can defend against your lasers, and railgun rounds with that thing? This I’ve got to see.”
    “My point exactly sergeant major. You understand the energy, and threat involved, and I need your help getting another tank for a demo – I’m fresh out of them,” Richard said. The sergeant major started laughing ‘til tears came out though I didn’t think it was that funny – guess it’s the tension. “Also. We need some brass that will understand, and we need to keep this hush hush. They will close my factory, and slap me into some geek lab somewhere if I just go to the high brass, but I want your guys to get first dibs on everything we come up with, and I don’t plan for these to be sold abroad. You know my weapons designs would already be stolen if I hadn’t licensed them. We can at least get quality control this way.”
    “When do you need this done?” the sergeant major asked.
    “Before the Joint Chiefs, and Secretary of Defense leave – preferably during your demonstration at 0800 Friday,” Richard said. “I want our soldiers to live through an attack with similarly armed attackers. This system is totally different from anything previously used – ever. I don’t think we could even get invited without your help this late in the game.”
    “I could definitely get you in to watch the demo, and it would be good to have you there to answer questions – how did you even find out who was here – there are only a handful of people that…” he stopped when he realized he was confirming that they were here.
    It was I – in here, Corey thought. Me… me me me. I never get any credit (chuckle).
    Richard almost burst out laughing at Corey’s antics in his head, but reached into the car, and pulled out a folder. He handed it to the Sergeant Major. “This is what I suggest you add to the demo – please make the shooter someone who is a good shot with a M8, and the other weapons,” I said.

    I was having quite the philosophical argument with Corey. I thought we were showing our hand way too soon, but he said this was the right way to do it. This demo would secure the contracts for AcuMint, and accelerate our plans for space. I thought this showed too many technological jumps too fast, but he downloaded the science for me. The tech to break down hydrocarbons was what was needed to produce cheap energy in the next stages of the uplift. We needed weapons first, and then defenses. The defense would later take us into space, and he showed me the steps. It made sense, and that was scary because I – I could understand it, and explain it to others. It would actually be easier for me to explain these leaps in logic then someone classically schooled, but these were true leaps.
    Wordley, and I drove to the Gate 5 where we were met by a staff sergeant who checked our IDs, and gave us badges to wear. We were to leave our vehicle near, and we transferred our paraphernalia to the military vehicle. The sergeant drove us to the demo area, and helped Wordley set up a little beach shade cabana, a folding chair, cooler full of beer, and our little ball on a pole. The staff sergeant asked if Wordley needed help sticking the pole in the ground (which was as hard as cement since the drought of the last three years). Wordley told him no, and pressed a, button on the side of the pole. The pole sank into the ground beside the cabana like it was quick sand until Wordley let go of the, button.
    Wordley asked the sergeant if he wanted to see if it was sturdy enough, and the sergeant tried to move, or pull up the pole. The sergeant worked up a sweat, but couldn’t

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