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Book: Uplift by Ken Pence Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ken Pence
Tags: Space Opera, Science Fiction - Adventure
move it. Wordley then touched another button, and the pole extended about 2 meters higher than the cabana with the globe on top.
    The sergeant then got back in the vehicle, and drove us all back to the reviewing stand to meet the sergeant major.
    “Good morning Mister…lieutenant Patterson. You sure you want to go through with this additional demo. I don’t want anyone killed on my watch – I’m two years from retirement.”
    “I won’t mess you up sergeant major here, but I am hiring if you will look me up as soon as you’re out. There’s a fun job with me waiting for you, and any of your smarter people you want to bring with you.”
    “Thank you sir. I’ll keep that in mind. The observers will be arriving momentarily.”
    Vehicles started arriving right on schedule, and began disgorging generals, and aides of all descriptions. I recognized the secretary of defense, and a few of the generals, but Corey filled me in on everyone’s name, and background at any I lingered looking over.
    Sergeant Major Grady Pinchon (I realized I hadn’t even known his name ‘til just now) started speaking.
    “Base Commander, General Jack Green will have told you about our new weaponry. I want to let you see this in action. My people have used it, and abused it over the last two months, and they love it. It takes a beating – can use almost any combustible fuel to power it, and packs a hell of a punch. I must remind you that this is still classified. Are there any questions before we start?”
    “Who are these two people with you Sergeant Major?” asked General Green. “I don’t remember authorizing any civilians here – especially to a classified activity.”
    “I admitted them, General. They will be able to answer questions I cannot. These are the people that designed, and built these weapons. Sir. May I present Richard Patterson, and Frank Wordley of AcuMint.”
    The general sat down, but Sergeant Major Pinchon knew the General didn’t like surprises, and let a breath out slow. He knew he’d be broken down an E5, or lower if this didn’t go right.
    “We’ll start by having a volunteer demonstrate the less lethal tetanizing pistol – think of this as a wireless Taser with a fifty-meter effective range. Privates Smith, and Alvarez have volunteered. We require users to experience this for themselves. First we’ll demo with Private Smith who will put on a foam, full head helmet so he won’t break a nose, or something.” Sergeant Major Pinchon whipped a pistol out, and pointed it at Smith who went rigid, and dropped like a stone. “Would one of you like to try using one of these?”
    General Clanton came forward, and the Sergeant Major gave the general a full fifty seconds of instruction while Private Alvarez was putting on his foam helmet. The private immediately started running away at full speed—first one way, and then the other. The general looked at the sergeant major questioningly.
    “Have at it General. Just hold the trigger back.”
    The general aimed, and held the trigger back sweeping it across the running subject who was about 60 meters away by now. The man fell forward without even putting his hands out, and lay there unmoving.
    “Did I kill him?” the general asked alarmed.
    “No sir,” replied the sergeant major. “They both should come around in a few minutes. It depends on where the beams strike, and the duration of the hit. It also depends on the mass of the subject. These are obviously not to be used on the battlefield, but for peacekeeping. Apprehending criminals with these would be VERY useful…now to the firepower demonstrations. Komenski.”
    “Here Sergeant Major,” Private Komenski answered.
    “Shoot that abandoned vehicle – 500 meters your eleven o’clock,” ordered Sergeant Major Pinchon.
    “Shoot the vehicle, 500 meters at my eleven o’clock,” Komenski replied. He fired with no noticeable effect.
    “Did it fire? Did he miss?” were some questions from the

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