Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1

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Book: Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1 by Samantha Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Cole
checklist. She didn't fill out the entire form but had checked off what she considered to be hard limits for her. Everything else she skipped over, planning to go through the list again later to figure out what she thought she would like and what she wasn't sure about. "Hey, stop! That's private!"
    Devon rolled his eyes and sighed then got up from his seat. Without looking at her, he strode over to open a cabinet she hadn't noticed, which was built into the wall a few feet away from her. He grabbed something and then shut the door again before walking back to his seat. Pivoting to face her he held up an object. "Do you know what this is, Pet?"
    She had a feeling she did, but she bit her bottom lip and shook her head.
    "It's a ball gag. Usually I only give an order once and expect it to be obeyed, but since this is new to you, here is your second and final warning. Stay quiet unless I ask you a question. Your only answers should be 'yes, Sir' or 'no, Sir' unless I ask you for a detailed answer. Anything else out of your mouth will result in me using the ball gag. Understood?"
    As her girlie parts began to throb, Kristen nodded her head and he frowned at her. "Y-yes, Sir."
    "Do you wish to use your safe-word? If you do, I'll let you loose and escort you out...without your research, of course."
    What?! Crap, he was serious. "No, Sir."
    Devon placed the gag on the table where she was sure to see it every time she looked at him. He was pleased to see a shudder run through her body and a nervous but heated look in her eyes. He loved to play the psychological games involved in BDSM and, damn it, he wanted to play the physical games with her, too, but now was not the time. Instead he sat back down and looked over her checklist again. Having seen hundreds of them in the past, it didn't take long for him to read her partial list, but he pretended to take his time.
    He waited...and waited. And yes, there it was. She began to squirm, her hips and feet moving ever so slightly, but enough for him to notice. She rubbed her thighs together and he knew without a doubt her pussy was wet.
    "I'm pleased to see most of your hard limits are similar to mine, but I'd love to see where you place the activities you haven't checked off yet. But I'm curious about why nipple clamps are a hard limit for you? I don't think I've ever seen that on a submissives hard limit list before."
    Kristen swallowed hard. She wasn't going to tell him the real reason, which was too embarrassing. Instead she answered, "My nipples are too sensitive, Sir. The thought of clamps freaks me out."
    He looked at her as if confused. "Out of all the hard limits you checked off, if you had to move one to a soft limit, which one would you choose?"
    She thought for a moment before answering, trying to remember what she checked off as her hard limits. "The bullwhip, Sir."
    "You would choose a whip over nipple clamps?" He knew he sounded as surprised as he felt.
    "Yes, Sir."
    Devon stood again and stalked toward her. "I think there's something more to it than just sensitive nipples but I'll leave it alone for now. Have you ever been tied up or spanked before?"
    "But the thought of doing those things turns you on." He stopped in front of her. His words hadn't come out as a question but he appeared to be waiting for an answer.
    She opened her mouth to deny it but slammed it shut again when his eyes narrowed. "Don't lie to me, Pet." She was wise enough to remain silent and he stared at her for a minute before speaking again. "I think I'm going to change our plans for this evening."
    Her stomach dropped. "You're cancelling our date?"
    Taking the index finger of his right hand, he reached up and set it on her left forearm. His touch was light as he trailed his finger down her arm toward her elbow, then further, touching her ear and neck. His eyes tracked the movement. From her collarbone, he followed the scoop-neck edge of her shirt, down to her chest over the swells of her breasts and

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