Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1

Free Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1 by Samantha Cole

Book: Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1 by Samantha Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Cole
and brought her arms above her head. There were only a few inches between their bodies and she could feel the heat of his. She wished he would take a half a step toward her and then she would know what it felt like to be in contact with his hard chest, sculpted abs and trim hips. Oh and don't forget the massive erection he was sporting.
    "Eyes up, Pet."
    Heaven help her. She lifted her chin to find a perceptive grin on his face and she turned red, knowing she'd been caught staring at his crotch. He leaned forward, his mouth almost touching her ear and whispered, "You still haven't answered my question."
    The words may have been simple, something you could hear in an everyday conversation but somehow he made them sound erotic and the heated feel of his breath on her ear didn't help. She swallowed hard, her legs trembling. Not in fear–he wouldn't physically hurt her. She didn't know how she knew it, but she did. But no, it was the sexual electricity between them which had her unable to control her quivering muscles. "What...what was the question again?"
    "Why are you researching BDSM when you write vanilla sex?"
    Couldn't he back up a little? "Um...well, my first nine books are...are vanilla, but my last book was based on a BDSM club and...and now I'm writing the second one in a series."
    "You gave my niece a kinky romance to read." He didn't sound happy about it at all.
    "Act...actually, I didn't give that one to her, only the others. It felt a little weird giving a nineteen year old a BDSM book."
    She drew in a deep breath, relieved when he took a step backwards. But her feeling of relief didn't last long when she realized her arms were stuck. Tilting her head up, she tugged on her arms to find he'd shackled her wrists with Velcro restraints dangling from the balcony overhang. How did she not know he was doing that? Oh God, she was trapped.
    She gaped at him and was annoyed to see he was laughing at her with a sinister smirk, his arms crossed over his muscular chest again. Damn the man was gorgeous...and dangerous. Not in a bad way, but also not in a good one. And here she was with no way to escape. She wouldn't panic. Master Mitch was right upstairs. She was safe, wasn't she? "Let me go." She hoped the demand would sound confident, but instead, it sounded breathy.
    He shook his head. "Not until your tour is complete."
    Damn, how had she not noticed how arrogant the man was? "I didn't know class participation was part of the tour."
    Devon let out a full-blown laugh. "Oh, how I love bratty submissives. They give me plenty of reasons to spank their asses beet red. And I'll tell you, at the moment, my hand is itching to get at your sweet ass."
    "I'm not a submissive."
    The look he gave her said he didn't believe her for a second before he turned around and took three steps to the table where he'd put her things. Turning a wooden chair around, he straddled it and sat down facing her. Without saying a word he picked up her pad and the papers Mitch had given her and began to look through them.
    "Hey, that's my stuff. I didn't give you permission to look through my notes."
    He never looked up as he issued the deep-voiced command and it sent a shiver through her body. She began to look around, trying to figure out how to get out of the restraints. She should be scared out of her wits but, for some reason, she wasn't. Instead she was turned on and it freaked her out a little...well, actually, a lot. Yes, she had fantasized about this stuff and she wrote about it but it didn't appeal to her in real life, did it? Apparently it did, because during her entire marriage, she had never once been this aroused and Devon had only touched her wrists. What would happen if he touched her in other places? Did she want him to? Her body screamed at her–hell, yeah!
    She looked back at him and realized he was now reading the papers Mitch had given her. Shit! While Mitch was talking on his phone, she skimmed through the soft and hard limit

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