Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1

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Book: Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1 by Samantha Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Cole
back up to her right ear. Her breathing increased and her nipples had a mind of their own, pebbling into hard little nubs, begging for him to touch them.
    "Oh no, Pet, not at all. I'm just going to add to it. We'll still go to dinner." He paused and her tongue shot out to moisten her dry lips. Heat flared in his eyes in response. "Mmmm. But afterwards, we'll come here and I'll give you the full tour as my guest. Since Marco ran a security check on you, it won't be any problem. I do have a few requirements though, since our plans have changed. I want you to wear the sexiest dress or skirt you own and no underwear. And I mean no panties or bra, Pet. You will go to dinner like that. If you disobey me on this, I'll take you into the women's restroom and remove them myself. Understood?"
    Kristen was salivating, her panties were soaked. Was it possible to cum, while she was fully dressed, from a feather-light touch and his words alone? Her voice came out raspy. "Y-yes, Sir."
    "And wear your hair down." He gave her pony tail a gentle tug. "I want you to read and understand the club protocols. You'll be expected to follow them, although I'll give you some leeway since this is new to you. If you have any questions, you may ask them at dinner. Last but not least, I want you to finish filling out your limit list."
    Her eyes widened because he couldn't be serious. "But I thought guests weren't allowed to play without a physical and...and stuff." At his raised eyebrow, she added, "Sir."
    His finger retraced its earlier path, down her neck, across her breasts and then back up again. "Correct. But by having you complete the list, I know what scenes I should let you observe. Now, before I let you go home to get ready for our...date, do you have any questions?"
    She had more than she could count in the next hour or so, however she found herself saying, "No, Sir."
    "Do you want to cancel our date?"
    Did she? Absolutely not! "No, Sir."
    "Good." He reached up and removed the restraints from her wrists. "I'll walk you to your car."

    "Try this one on. I think it will be perfect."
    Kayla London took the little black dress from Kristen's closet and handed it to her as Will reclined on her bed, propped up on a few pillows. On the way home from the club, Kristen had called him in a semi-panic. He, in turn, had called Kayla. The woman was one of Will's closest friends and Kristen had clicked with her the first time they'd met. Will introduced the two of them a few months earlier when Kristen had traveled to Tampa to find an apartment before moving. Kayla and her wife, Roxy, had become her fast friends and although they teased her about it, they never tried to hook her up with one of their female friends.
    After Kristen explained about her dinner date and where they were going after, the fashion forward duo had come running to her rescue. She had no idea what to wear. It had to be something appropriate for dinner and hide the fact she was not allowed to wear underwear, yet sexy enough for the club.
    She was so nervous. Her stomach still had butterflies fluttering around which started the moment she realized Devon had shackled her wrists. He'd worn such a wicked grin as he watched her struggle with the restraints for a few moments before giving up. She had a feeling if she had panicked, he would have released her without question, but she surprised herself by only asking him to let her go one time. Then she'd become so focused on him and the tingling throughout her body, she'd pretty much forgotten she was being held hostage.
    While he read through her notes, she studied him a little more. When she first met him, she'd thought he was walking perfection, but today, she noticed his nose was a tad crooked as if it had been broken at one time. He also had a faint two-inch scar along his jawline, a little bit below his right ear and she wondered what had caused it. Those small imperfections only enhanced his good looks and made him seem even sexier,

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