Speed of My Heart
exhilarated and euphoric from the ride. He was shaking his head in amusement at my if-I-can't-see-it-then-it's-not-happening reaction. It was obvious that racing was what made him tick, so I was really trying not to look so terrified. But if the way he was shaking his head at me was any indication, I was failing miserably. All the things about racing that terrified me: the speed, the loud engines, the danger —they were all the things that drove Cole.
    I breathed in and out slowly, trying to recover my equilibrium. I felt dizzy from traveling in circles with my eyes shut tight. With the engine off, I was finally able to hear him.
    "Mara, your eyes were closed the entire time. Next time, maybe I can convince you to leave them open for one lap at least," Cole teased.
    My eyes widened. "Uh, next time?“ I practically spat out. "I hate to break it to you, but I'm not sure there will be a next time. I kinda value my life. I don't know If I want to look death in the face a second time. Plus, how in the hell did you know my eyes were closed? You shoulda had yours on the road, as fast as you were driving. We could have been killed!"
    Cole laughed, flashing those gorgeous white teeth, and even through my panic attack, I sighed inwardly.
    "Mara, we were going about half the speed I usually go on the track. I could have done that blindfolded." He reached over lacing his fingers through mine and using his thumb to caress small circles on my palm. "That was the introductory pace. Next time, I'm going to take things up a notch," he said in a half playful, half serious tone.
    I looked over at him, earnestly questioning his sanity. But seeing the look in his eyes, I realized he wasn't referring to driving at all.
    I raised an eyebrow at him, biting back a smile. "Is that a promise?"
    The corners of his mouth turned up and his eyes lit with a predatory light that left me thinking any girl would be lucky to be his prey.
    "Oh yeah," he murmured. "You have my word on that."
    Well then, I really hoped he kept his word
    *  *  *
    Cole returned me home after taking me out to lunch, this time without the unfortunate luck of running into Marcus. It was so nice not having to worry about him showing up anymore. In fact, I hadn't heard a word out of Marcus since the restraining order was placed. I guess even he didn't want to end up in jail.
    Once again, Cole's goodbye kiss was amazing, making me wonder how I'd gone my whole life without ever being kissed that way. Cole held me like he both wanted to muss me up and not break me —all at the same time. He had my body responding to the smallest of gestures. If he was this incredible to kiss, I couldn't even imagine what he'd be like when we upped the ante.
    What was beginning to form a little tendril of fear in my chest, was the fact that I could see myself falling hard for Cole. Not a good idea when it was unquestionable that he'd be leaving in a few weeks. But then again, so would I. I shrugged the concern off and decided to enjoy him while I had him.

    There was one thing for certain: I was without any doubts when it came to my decision on where I stood with Cole —I was full speed ahead.

    The next morning the steady pinging of rain on the metal roof of our house excited me more than I'd ever admit. Rain meant my grandmother wouldn't be working in the garden, and I wouldn't feel obligated to help. Inside, I was secretly doing a happy dance.
    As soon as I scarfed down a bowl of cereal, I climbed in the shower, washing and conditioning my hair quickly before finishing up and heading into my room to dress. Deciding to forgo the hair dryer for obvious reasons, I brushed my hair out and slicked it into a bun. Pulling on my usual dance attire of footless tights, black shorts and leotard, I hurried downstairs with my bag over my shoulder. Both of my grandparents were sitting in the living room; my grandpa in the recliner watching tv, and my grandma with her glasses perched on her

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