Writing with Stardust: The Ultimate Descriptive Guide for students, parents, teachers and writers

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Book: Writing with Stardust: The Ultimate Descriptive Guide for students, parents, teachers and writers by Desconhecido Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desconhecido
leave it all behind.
    Euphony is using soft vowels, mellow consonants and pleasant words to create a soothing tone . In essence, it is the use of individual letters and phonics (vocal sounds) in order to recreate a harmony of sound in your writing. It is asking a lot to expect a student or child to incorporate this into their writing if they were not previously aware of it. It is another technique that requires time and patience. You will find, however, that they love working with soft sounds and soothing letters if it is approached in the right way.
    For example, if you ask any child what the softest word in the English language is, they will struggle. If you ask them what word they would use to stop a child crying, they will immediately say shush or hush . You can then explain that the letters ‘ sh ’ are the softest in the English language. A good exercise to try is to get them to write down what they think are the softest letters in the English language. If you agree with the letters, ask them to write down a list of soft sounding words containing those letters. Once they have ten words, ask them to put the words into a grid like the one below. That is a grid for a waterfall. Any soft sounds in nature, such as a river, birdsong or a gentle wind may be attempted. Those who do very well at this will most likely have a high degree of musical intelligence also.
    The ability to use euphony in writing is a gift. That gift can be imparted by some simple exercises. If your students can make their words resonate like the glassy tinkle of a champagne flute, then that is a reward in itself for an educator.
                             WATERFALL GRID FOR EUPHONY
    LETTERS     LEVEL 1             LEVEL 2          LEVEL 3          LEVEL 4         LEVEL5
swi sh
swoo sh
lu sh
plu sh
swa sh
me ll ow
lu ll aby
i ll usory
a ll ure
a ll eluia
l oom
l ilting
l ithe
l yrical
l issome
sh ee ts
s ee ps
sl ee py
sl ee pless
sh ee n
drea m y
a m brosial
m ystical
m elodious
m ellifluous
swi r ls
suspi r es
mu r murs
se r ene
luxu r ious
whi s pers
bli s sful
slumber s
my s tical
su s urrous
az u re
a u ra
m u mbles
a u rora
ass u ages
shallo w s
w arblers
w hish
w hirrs
willo w y
ha zy
do zy
gau zy
snoo zy
whee zy
    LEVEL 1         LEVEL 2         LEVEL 3         LEVEL 4         LEVEL 5          OTHERS
pea-green fields
glade-green fields
mint-green fields
fairyland-green fields
paradise –green fields
parsley-green fields
grape-green fields
malachite-green fields
fairytale –green fields
wonderland-green fields
    1. The pea-green fields were a potion for the soul.
    2. The grape-green fields were a balm for the soul.
    3. The mint-green fields were a gentle salve for the soul.
    4. The sight of fairytale-green fields was like manna for my soul.
    5. The sweeping vista of paradise-green was like a lullaby for my soul.
bleating lambs
chirping chicks
yipping fox cubs
spluttering lawnmowers
palpitating heart of
lowing calves
crooning pigeons
whinnying foals
snipping shears
throbbing heart of
    1. Bleating lambs were playing on the ripe grass.
    2. Crooning pigeons plucked for seeds on the juicy grass.
    3. Whinnying foals frolicked and frisked on the lush grass.
    4. Spluttering lawnmowers whittled and sheared the plush grass.
    5. The throbbing heart of nature beat rhythmically under the succulent

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