Duality: Vol 2, Euphoria (A New Adult Paranormal Romance)

Free Duality: Vol 2, Euphoria (A New Adult Paranormal Romance) by Elle Casey

Book: Duality: Vol 2, Euphoria (A New Adult Paranormal Romance) by Elle Casey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Casey
I’ve lived my entire life like this.  In three months I’ll be eighteen and no one will bother with me anymore.  Until then, I just need to keep my head down and away from any cops or social workers.”
    “And how are you going to do that, son?” asked Mr. Butts, putting his silverware down too, folding his hands loosely over his plate while resting his elbows on the table.  “What’s your plan of action?  Your end game?  Your goal?  Have you figured out the logistics?”
    Malcolm didn’t answer at first.
    “It’s a simple question.”  Mr. Butts shrugged and then used his thumb nail to get some food out of his teeth.
    “No.  I don’t have a plan.  But my goal is to just get away.  From people.  I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore.”
    “You gotta have dough, man.  How much dough do you have?” asked Kootch.
    Malcolm didn’t answer Kootch; he just glared at him.
    “I know you’re frustrated,” said Mrs. Butts, using a calming voice.  “I know you want to leave and you’re scared that you’ll hurt someone you care about.  That’s normal.  It’s a good sign, really.  Please sit down and let us help you.  If you want to go, if you want to run away, we can help you with that.  We have money to spend, people who will guide the way, and places you can stay along your route.  You don’t have to do this alone, Malcolm.  You’re not alone anymore.  We’re here for you.”
    I could tell Malcolm was fighting himself internally.  His eyes darted to the faces around the table and then to the door.  His body jerked ever so slightly to the left and then back to the spot in front of his chair, part of him wanting to take off and the other wrestling to stay.   It was torture just watching it.  I knew exactly how he felt, so it was like I was experiencing it multiplied by two.
    “No.  I have to go.  Now.”  He left the table at a fast walk and went out the front door.
    I jumped up.  “Let me talk to him,” I said in a rush.  “Just give us a few minutes.”
    I ran from the table and out the door behind Malcolm.

    Chapter Ten: Malcolm
    RAE CAUGHT UP WITH ME out on the front lawn.
    “Malcolm, wait!”
    “Just leave me alone, Rae,” I said, not looking back.  I hated to be so cold to her, but it was the only way I could see to get out of this mess without causing any more damage.
    “No, I’m not going to.  Not yet, anyway.  Let me just talk to you first, okay?”  She came up to my side, breathless by the time we reached the sidewalk.
    I kept going, but she stayed with me, walking at my elbow.
    “I know what happened back there freaked you out.  It freaked me out too.  But maybe we can figure this out.  Maybe their scientists can tell us what’s wrong with our heads.”
    “Oh, so what …?  We’re brain damaged now?”  I looked at her for a second, just long enough to scowl at her.  I didn’t want to admit I’d been thinking the same thing.  But I knew better.  There were no answers for us or someone would have already figured it out.
    “No, not brain damaged.  Just different.  And I want to know why, don’t you?”
    “Not if it means hanging out with them.”
    “Why?”  She put her hand on my arm and jerked it back.  “What do you have against them?  They’re just trying to help.”
    I turned to face her on the sidewalk.  We were two doors down from the Butts’ house.  The sprinklers were running, spraying water just inches from my shoes.
    “Yeah, trying to help … by making me turn Mr. Butts into a suicidal maniac.  That was helpful.”
    She sighed heavily.  “Rookie move, I agree. But he didn’t know.  He wasn’t sure he believed Jasmine.  Now he does and he won’t do something stupid like that again.  I think he’s just one of those guys who has to see something to believe it.”
    “Kind of ironic when you consider he’s a conspiracy nut.”  My anger was dissipating.  It was

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