To Win Her Trust

Free To Win Her Trust by Mackenzie Crowne

Book: To Win Her Trust by Mackenzie Crowne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mackenzie Crowne
themselves, and that’s part of my problem.”
    There was more to her sudden desire to jump into the New York dating pool than met the eye. As a student of the human experience, he enjoyed discovering the twists and turns that made a person who they were. Uncovering CC Calhoun’s path to the fascinating woman she was would be a pleasant side benefit to getting her into his bed. Her theory might be wacky on the surface, but he had to admit, she made it sound logical in backward kind of way. As for testing the concept? He wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
    “I’m happy to help you test your theory, but your three-date cutoff may trip us up. That doesn’t give us a lot of time. What happens if you don’t have an attack?”
    “That shouldn’t be a problem.”
    “You have them that often?”
    “Not usually, since I tend to avoid situations that trigger them. To tell the truth, I avoid most public situations. I’m not a recluse. I do venture out, like my daily trip to the coffee shop, visits to the gym, the library, that kind of thing, but for the most part, I keep to myself. I’m working on changing that.”
    Short bristle scratched his palm as he dragged it over his chin. “I don’t want you to take this wrong, or think I’m not interested, because nothing could be further from the truth, but if all you’re interested in is recreating what happened in front of the coffee shop, we could take Walter down to the end of the block right now.”
    “We could do that, but what’s the point of learning how to handle the attacks if I continue to keep to myself? I’m talking about making a life change here, one that eventually leads to the kind of life normal people take for granted. I want to go where I want, when I want, without worrying about falling apart in front of strangers. To do that, I need to learn to be comfortable around men. I have to start somewhere, and since you insist on showing up on my doorstep without an invite, that somewhere might as well be with you.”
    Unease ratcheted down his spine. Uncomfortable around men? What the fuck? “Why are you uncomfortable around men?”
    She stiffened at the question but held her ground. “That’s another subject not up for discussion.”
    Anger gurgled in his gut. “Did someone hurt you?”
    She lifted her chin. “Not in the way you’re thinking. I don’t like to talk about my past. If that’s going to be a problem, you might as well go right now.”
    Relief made him dizzy. The thought of some faceless man forcing her… He heaved a cleansing breath. “Fair enough, but you said you needed to start somewhere. Does that mean what I think it means?”
    She raised a questioning brow.
    “You’ve never dated anyone?”
    She shook her head.
    Another shake.
    “That would make you a…”
    “Virgin.” Her squinted eyes dared him to comment.
    His eyes slid shut. Sweat broke out on his brow. His libido howled in frustration, mourning the instant death of his lascivious plans for her seduction.
    “I don’t see why my lack of a sex life would be a problem since—”
    “Of course you don’t.” He opened his eyes to meet her gaze. “Sex complicates things, CC. Especially for a…when you’re a…” He held out a flat hand and indicated her body. “You know.”
    The heat of her sudden smile stroked over him like caressing fingers.
    He bit back a groan. “Why are you smiling? I’m about to cry.”
    Her smile became a chuckle. “You can’t even say the word.”
    “And you find that funny?”
    He ground his teeth hard enough to chip enamel.
    “Actually, I’m kind of relieved.”
    He coughed a pained laugh. “I’m glad one of us is.” Damn it, he should go. He needed to pick a fight or at least punch something. A few minutes abusing the heavy bag in Max’s gym might ease his need to put a fist through the wall. Damn it all to hell. A virgin. A fucking virgin. Huh! He could too say the word. He

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