The UN Series Complete Box Set

Free The UN Series Complete Box Set by Shantel Tessier

Book: The UN Series Complete Box Set by Shantel Tessier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shantel Tessier
soap off my hands, I look over at the redhead. Before I get a good look at her, my eyes are pulled back to him. His eyes are on my ass, and he has a smirk on his face like he’s thinking something naughty, and it makes my body heat rise. My eyes shoot to the redhead again, and she is giving me a go to hell look.
    I have been staring at the guy she was about to get lucky with in the bathroom.
    I pull myself out of my daze and turn off the water, grab some paper towels, and pick up my purse from the counter. They remain quiet as I walk out, but I can feel their eyes on me as my heels produce the only sound in the bathroom.
    After the door shuts behind me, I stop. What if someone else walks in on them while they’re doing it? I turn back around and open the door. Only the top half of my body is in the bathroom. They both turn around to look at me.
    “Did you want to watch?” the redhead snarls at me. She is obviously pissed at me for taking up some of their time. Bitch. I’m just trying to lock the door for them, to keep this from happening again.
    “Ginger be nice,” he scolds her.
    Ginger? I cough to hide my laugh.
    “How about you join us?” tall dark and sexy asks as he lifts an eyebrow.
    Is he serious? I shake my head no, reach my left hand around, and lock the door. I can’t help but give sex on a stick a huge ass smile as my eyes travel up and down the back of his dark blue jeans, checking out his hot ass.
    His voice is so deep and sexy. It covers my body like a warm blanket that I just want to wrap myself up in. It goes perfect with his sexy body. Geez, I need to leave. Now! I smile once again and close the door. I know nothing about that man except for one thing. Trouble. He is nothing but trouble, and I need to stay clear of him.
    I have never felt so turned on just by looking at someone. I’ve also never had sex anywhere besides a bed, and right now I’m feeling pretty jealous of that redhead. I’m wishing I was the girl he had pushed up against that wall, about to be ravished by the gorgeous, full of trouble, mystery man.
    I need to have a drink then find Holly.
    In that order.
    As I start to walk away from the door, I hear my phone going off. Looking down at it, I see its Courtney, my best friend from back home. I walk further down the hall, away from the music and towards the men’s bathroom then answer my phone.

    Fuck, she has a gorgeous smile, and a sexy little body to go with it.
    I can’t help the huge grin that is on my face. I turn my head back around to face Ginger, and my smile vanishes when I see the bitch look she’s giving me.
    “You wanted her to join us?” she asks as she pushes me away from her and starts to button her jeans.
    I really don’t know what to say because I wouldn’t have told the angel no.
    Angel. That’s what I’m calling her because that’s what she reminded me of once my eyes landed on her. I have never given a girl a nickname before. Well, besides bitch or whore, but there was no other word to describe her. She looks beautiful and fucking sexy in that tight white dress.
    I turn to the sink to wash my hands off since they were just down Ginger’s pants, and fingering her, minutes ago.
    “You are such an ass, Slade!” she yells at me as she straightens her top.
    I laugh. That’s original.
    “What is so funny, you prick?”
    “Why did that bother you? Not twenty minutes ago you were bragging to Josh about you and some girl having a threesome with her boyfriend.”
    “So?” she snaps. “Didn’t mean I wanted to share you.”
    I give her a warm smile as I take a few steps towards her. “Ginger,” I coo, and she smiles. “I’m not yours.”
    The smile drops off her face. “What the hell was I thinking? You are such a dick.” She walks over to the door, then turns to face me. “How did I let you talk me into fucking in this bathroom?”
    “If I remember correctly, you asked me to fuck you.” I

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