Closer to My Heart

Free Closer to My Heart by Becky Moore

Book: Closer to My Heart by Becky Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becky Moore
Tags: Romance
She was nibbling on her bottom lip, but still had a good hold on him.
    “Don’t worry, Janie. We’ll fit.” He winked at her.
    She still looked a little worried, which made him chuckle. He said, “Honey, the Good Lord pretty much made me to scale. What’d you expect from a six foot four inch man?” When she didn’t answer he said, “Brace yourself…I don’t wear underwear.”
    She looked back down to watch his busy hands, her eyes big as saucers. He sighed when he unzipped his pants. “Holy shit!” she said. “I bet it feels good to let that big monster breathe.”
    He nearly choked at her words, and then nearly came when she brushed her fingers across his weeping tip. He jumped and shifted around to get a better seat, curling his spine to lean back against the tree. The position was superfine because it caused his large phallus to brush across his tight abdomen, which was leanly muscled like a washboard. Jane was practically vibrating, she was so excited.
    She climbed higher up his legs, towards his lap. She was licking her lips and panting. Man, she was stunning. Her eyes were fixed on the prize…the one they would both enjoy.
    Pre-seminal fluid had been seeping out onto his belly, up near his belly button, and Jane drew her finger through it. When she licked her fingertip and moaned, Lucas couldn’t hold still any longer.
    “That’s it.” He grabbed her under the arms and yanked her flush against his torso. Her scorching core was hovering above his northward-bound erection. He searched her eyes for a second and when she nodded he let her go. And she sank down. And down. And down. He was so long and thick, the rounded head of his penis so broad, that it took a little shifting around for him to finally bottom out.
    “Oh!” She made a little panicky sound, but took a deep, calming breath when he moved his hands down her back, cupping the bottom curve of her ass, helping to support the luscious weight of her body.
    Sweat poured down his face and his eyes were squeezed shut so he could concentrate on not coming right away. But her body was on autopilot and she couldn’t stop herself. With each downward stoke she whimpered. He could feel her quickening, her body racing for the next orgasm. When it broke over her, he was powerless to stop his own. He pulled her tightly down onto his huge cock, a little roughly, and slammed up into her once…twice…a third time and roared through the biggest release of his life. His hot seed poured deep into her lush body, marking her body and claiming her for himself. If she only knew what was running through his mind, she might kick him out of her home. Because he’d been a man without a home, a man without a heart for far too long. Lucas knew he held his future in his arms.
    Neither of them moved or said anything for a couple of minutes as their breathing leveled out and their sexual fervor calmed. It was like they’d been at war, both fighting toward the same goal, but against each other in their pursuit.
    Jane’s mind was a riot of emotions. Tears trickled down her face and had a far away look in her eyes. God, she was killing him. “Oh, baby,” he said reverently.
    He sat stock still for a second while his mind registered what his heart had already known. Dear Lord, he was in love with her. The feeling was like a freight train barreling down on him. And he smiled because it was okay. He could live with it.


Chapter Twelve
    “Hmm?” He tightened his arms around her.
    She cupped her hands lightly over his ears and pulled him close. She pressed a sweet kiss against his closed mouth and pulled back to look at him. Slowly, she ran her tongue around the perimeter of her mouth, tasting him. Lucas growled low in his throat and leaned in to ravish her mouth. The tenderness after the last storm was gone, and in its place the same tumultuous, helpless craving that forced them to

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