behind, settle for two identical pairs of jeans.
    Then you hustle off to the next store and repeat the process, only this time you leave with a couple of tees exactly like a couple you bought last year.
    * *
    And when you realize that, you laugh your
    butt off, but really don't want to hassle with returns or exchanges so you
    decide to accessorize instead.
    Second Word of Advice
    If shopping for clothes on crank is dumb, trolling for jewelry, belts, and shoes is something
    just this side of insane.
    Don't think so.
    Nikes. Vans. Doc Martins.
    One of each?

Maybe next time.
    Scrunchies. Barrettes. Berets.
    Ebb the sable flow?
    * *
    I was stressing over earrings when
    another hand touched
    my shoulder.
    I thought you were going to call.
    Guys in One Day?
    Almost too much to consider, although Bree found the prospect
    quite intriguing. So then I had to explain GUFN again.
    "Today is the first day she cut me loose."
    * *
    like a reason to party.
    was funny. But it was time to catch my ride home. Since Brendan
    my mom's type--tall, handsome, and gainfully employed--I let him walk
    me out. Mom was parked right in front.
    * *
    Is she a
    lways so punctual?
    I laughed like he was the wittiest
    man alive, and promised to call, wondering what was up. With me.
    Had I lost one boyfriend, to gain
    two? And how could I possibly
    these two,
    opposite squares on the chessboard?
    Damn, your
    mom is fine.
    wasn't funny at all. I had to live with my mom, obey her rules, accept her punishments. But I would
    accept her as competition.
    * *
    Not as fine as you, of course.
    Okay. Better.
    Mom Wanted to Hear All About Brendan
    I told her what I knew, hoping I didn't talk too
    much. Or too fast.
    He's really cute.
    Oh, great. Mutual attraction.
    I almost opened my mouth, thought better of it.
    Did he ask you out?
    In a manner of speaking,
    I supposed. Out. In. I
    doubted he was picky.
    Do we need to have the talk?
    At that, I really had to stifle Bree. Let me tell
    you, it wasn't easy.
    He did seem like a nice boy.
    Seeming and being are two different things. You
    seem nice, too, Mommy dearest.
    Anyway, did you find some nice clothes?
    I showed her what I
    bought, and she grinned a killer smile.
    At least you're consistent.
    I had to laugh, speeding along with the monster.
    Consistent? Not!
    nconsistent Me
    could barely look at dinner.
    I told Mom I ate at the mall.
    What, what?
    What exactly did you eat?
    Quick, Kristina, think.
    "Stir-fry. You know, fast food Chinese."
    Did you eat all your veggies?
    OMG! Here I was, busting
    my brain on first-class speed, and all she cared about was if
    I'd consumed my greens?
    'Cause you can't stay smart
    eating only junk food.
    Stay smart? First I had to get smart, and it wasn't about to happen
    holding hands with the monster.
    Besides, vegetables give a girl
    a healthy glow.
    Damn. Wasn't I glowing?
    Then again, even if I was, it could hardly qualify as healthy. Still, Mom
    didn't insist I share the dinner table.
    It's only leftovers, anyway.
    By the way, a letter came
    for you today.
    ear Kristina,
    Hope everything's okay. Hope you're okay.
    Things are okay here.
    * *
    My mom got a new job and she's dating her boss.
    He already thinks he's my stepdad or something.
    Says I'd better think about what I want to do with my life.
    Besides party, that is.
    I hate him already. You know?
    * *
    Lince is home and I guess she's better.
    She has to go to PT
    --physical therapy--
    every day.
    She's learning to walk and talk, just like a baby.
    It's weird, really weird.
    I try to spend time with her, but it's hard.

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