Crave (Talon Security #1)

Free Crave (Talon Security #1) by Megan O'Brien

Book: Crave (Talon Security #1) by Megan O'Brien Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan O'Brien
descended as his lips found mine. It was a kiss full of promise. He pulled me closer, his hands at the small of my back as I opened for him. His tongue met with mine as a low groan escaped his throat. I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders, pulling him closer still.
    In between kisses, he rested his forehead to mine. “Let me take you somewhere today.” His breath came in a shallow pant that was the sexiest thing I’d ever heard.
    I looked into his eyes, my heart pounding in response to the unbridled heat I saw looking back at me. “All right,” I agreed, my lips searching for his again, greedy for his taste.
    “Your headache’s totally gone?” he clarified when we came up for air.
    I wrinkled my brow at his question. “Yes, I feel fine.”
    He looked back at me with a glint of mischief in his eye. “I have an idea.”

    “S trike!” I hooted, throwing my arms in the air. After I’d warmed up a bit, I was close to actually beating Sid at bowling, which would be a first.
    Over a pitcher of beer, greasy food, and playful competition, this was the best date I’d ever had.
    Fitting, since it was with Sid.
    “All right, all right, don’t get too cocky now,” he retorted, ambling toward the lane.
    He was mouthwatering in his formfitting T-shirt and Levi’s, tattoos on colorful display. The muscles in his arms rippled as he released the ball down the lane.
    “Shit,” I muttered, watching as he hit a strike. At least I knew he wasn’t letting me win.
    He prowled toward me, delivering a wink that could seriously put me off my game.
    He pulled me into his arms so I was pressed against his chest, his hands sliding down to cup my behind.
    He’d been touching me all day in small ways, but this was the first time it felt like if we weren’t in a public place, clothes would soon be optional.
    I wrapped my arms around his neck, remarking how natural it felt being with him like this.
    “It’s good to see you laughing.” His deep voice rumbled as his eyes traced over my face with an expression akin to tenderness. I’d never get tired of that look.
    “I’m having fun.” I smiled. “Thank you, this was a great idea. Now, let’s see if I can finally beat your ass.”
    “Doubtful.” He smirked.
    “Good effort,” he placated me for what felt like the tenth time since we’d begun the drive back to Brad’s house.
    “Go on, rub it in,” I muttered before cracking a grin.
    “You’re a sore loser. It’s too fun to tease you.” He chuckled. “Should we stop and grab something for dinner?” he asked.
    “We could, but I think I can throw something together. Plus, we should get back. Trixie’s been alone for a while. Should we invite Cade? The last time he saw us things were a bit… tense. Plus, we’re having his favorite. Food.”
    Sid let out a deep belly laugh, the sound low and rich. “True.” His gaze turned to me as we sat at a red light. “I was kind of hoping to have you to myself.”
    My belly clenched at the look in his eye and I swallowed audibly.
    “How about we invite him tomorrow?” he bargained.
    “All right,” I agreed. “I need to check in with Pipe and Trav anyway.”
    He nodded as the light turned green and we roared off, the V8 engine rumbling like a beast.
    “I can’t believe it,” I marveled incredulously after we’d arrived back at Brad’s. “She’s seriously giving me the silent treatment!” I gestured toward Trixie, who since we’d walked in, had sat with her back to both of us on the couch.
    “She’s got spunk.” Sid shrugged with a grin. “You two are a perfect match.”
    “Right,” I muttered, opening the fridge to peer inside. I had the makings for simple tacos and set about grabbing the ingredients I needed.
    I felt his heat at my back and stood up suddenly.
    “Sam. It’s early. We don’t need to eat yet. Why don’t you call Piper?” he suggested, his warm hands gripping my arms gently from behind.
    Damn it, he knew me so

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