Warrior Blind
He looked at his brother. They were so much alike physically, but so different when it came to souls. Sinrik had their mother’s artist spirit.
    Koios was practical warrior down to the last inch. “Sinrik, the time has come. We are to part. For now.”
    His brother tensed. “I suggest that you tell me all that you know.”
    “Tell us both. I want to know where she’s at. I need to know she is well.”
    “She is well. Better than she was before.” And he knew she was. “But she is Laquazzeana, and she has a great task before her.”
    “I suspected she was,” the princess said quietly. “After I watched what happened with Ren’s gamata . I remember...I remember what it felt like with Bronie all those months ago.”
    Koios stared at the female until she began to look uneasy. His twin shot him a chiding look. “Tell me, dear sister, did she die that day? In Ramorakin’s keeping?”
    His brother’s female paled. She clutched her spawn tight to her chest and rocked.
    Sinrik wrapped an arm around the princess. “She does not speak of it.”
    “It is something I need to know. Ramorakin will be dealt with.”
    “He’s already confined to his quarters. It frightened Danae to have him free.”
    “He needs to be imprisoned for what he did. On what charges he will face trial depends on your female’s answer to my question. Did my gamata , Queen of Lothicano now, die in Ramorakin’s keeping?” Koios looked at this female who was so important to his brother, though he sensed they had not joined as gamata , yet. “I know that he put his hands upon her. That he struck her and fed her tainted food. I know you ate some of that poison. I know what he tried and what he threatened with her. Allow me to act in her stead and bring upon him that which he deserves. Help me to do this, please.”
    Sinrik wrapped a hand around the girl’s arm and turned her toward him. “Did he put hands upon you in this way? Tell me now, and I will see him castrated and de-handed before he faces his trial.”
    She shook her head at him. “No. Not me. Just Bronie, something about Bronie made him crazy. He tormented her from the very first day she was brought here. By you!” Her accusing eyes met Koios’.
    “I know my part in her suffering. And I will never forget what my carelessness caused.”
    “Your carelessness did cause her to die.” The girl stared at him out of eyes that were similar to her brothers’. “I was so ill that day. I knew I was going to die, and my spawn with me. And then Bronie was there, and there was a light around her. It looked so much like the one with Auri that day. And then I was better and she was not. My cousin arrived that afternoon and found me. He had a Dardaptoan healer with him that day. Bronwen thinks that woman saved her life, but I still have questions. Bronwen was different after that day. And I don’t just think she was blind. There was something else. There was a voice that day, but it sounded like a thousand others. I don’t know who it was, but we were not alone that day. At all. Someone was there, and they were laughing. But in a good way. And they were holding us. Especially her.”
    “Did you change that day, too?” He did not think she was Laquazzeana, but maybe she did not know? Bronwen’s change had not been revealed to anyone until recently, either.
    “Not me. But my spawn. She is not Laquazzeana, if that is what you are asking. But she is different. Stronger than a typical spawn, I think. Is Bronwen well? I worry.”
    “She is better than she was. Less defeated. Still very frightened.” He studied this girl. She loved his gamata , and she was important to his brother. How could she not be important to him, as well? “But she is safe now. And I will see to it that she stays that way. And I ensure she is happy—and has all she needs.”
    “And Ramorakin? What will become of him? If she is Queen, she will return here someday, no?” Sinrik asked.
    “I do not know when that will

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