Celeb Crush
wood as he watches the ocean.  The slight breeze ruffles his blonde hair and the bright morning sun illuminates his face, proving that his tanned skin is just as flawless in real life as it appears to be on film and print.
    Luke looks over his shoulder when I open the sliding glass door.  The gold in his eyes dominates, making his eyes sparkle brilliantly.  He looks as relaxed as I’ve ever seen him.  The ocean seems to have that effect on him.  He once told me that the beach was the one place where he can take deep breaths, and not feel like he’s being choked by a leash.
    Luke flashes me that megawatt smile of his, and I suddenly start to feel bad about trying to get rid of him.  I’m still gonna lock him in the bathroom, though.
    “Hi, honey,” he greets me with a devilish quirk to his brow.  “What’s the plan for today?”
    Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ellen openly watching us.  I smile back at Luke and hope it looks natural.  “Actually, I was hoping you could entertain yourself this morning.  I’m headed over to my aunt and uncle’s right now to talk about the wedding.”
    He turns his whole body to face me.  “I could go with you,” he says smoothly.  “I’d love to meet the rest of your family.”
    I make a sour face at him.  “You’d be bored out of your mind, Luke.  And to be honest, we won’t get anything accomplished if you’re there.  I don’t know if I mentioned it before, but my cousin has a huge crush on you.”
    “Yeah?”  Luke doesn’t seem particularly impressed with the information.  He absently rubs his forearm as he glances around, probably keeping an eye out for crazy stalker fans.
    “Big time,” I confirm. “It’s probably better if I give everyone some advance warning before I spring you on them.”
    He responds with a small shrug.  I wonder if he’s upset, but then a sly smile alights his face as he does a chin nod in my direction.  “So, what about you, huh?  Did you have a crush on me, too?”
    I make a scoffing noise.  “No!” I practically scream.
    “Oh, come on, admit it.  You had a picture of me under your pillow, and you used to kiss it every night.  Am I right?”
    Ellen giggles like a giddy schoolgirl at Luke’s teasing.  That’s another thing about the famous.  They all must think they’re the wittiest people on earth because everyone laughs at their jokes and hangs on their every word.  One day, I’m going to dare Luke to recite the names of incurable diseases to his fans—and I’ll bet they’ll be completely enthralled.
    “Maybe I did have a little crush on you,” I say with a nonchalant shrug.  “But then I hit puberty and discovered real men.”
    “Ohhh.”  Luke groans, pretending to take a hit.
    I smirk back at him, until I see Ellen looking at me, her head tilted in slight puzzlement.  Is that not something a girlfriend would say to her boyfriend when he’s acting like a conceited ass?  I should probably work on being nicer to him, just in case.
    “So, Ellen.”  Luke lightly slaps the railing with the palm of his hand.  “Looks like it’s you and me today.  Feel like showing me around town?”
    Ellen smiles regretfully at him, shaking her head.  “I’d actually love to take you to my bar, but I’m afraid your handsome mug would start a riot.”
    “Nah, I got that covered,” he says self-assuredly.  “I brought a disguise—and not just my Yankees cap,” he tells me quickly before I can open my mouth.
    “What is it?” I ask with a laugh.  “A wig, or a fake moustache?”
    “Actually, I scored a prosthetic nose and chin from the set of one of my movies.”  Luke looks at Ellen as he explains, gesturing to his face.  “It’s awesome.  I look like a totally different person when I put them on.”
    I frown at him.  “I’ve never seen you wear them.”
    His eyes sparkle mischievously.  “That’s ‘cause I can’t kiss you with them on, y’know?  It’d be like you’re cheating

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