Tank's Property

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Book: Tank's Property by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
    She shook her head. “I’m not afraid of you. I could never be afraid of you, Brendan.”
    Tank lifted his hand and ran his thumb along the top of her lip, just barely touching her. Her body lit up even more. “It was smart of you to run from me, because the man I am today is darker.” He slipped his thumb against the seam of her lips now, and without thinking she opened her mouth and sucked his finger inside. A low groan left him, and his mouth parted as his focus was on her lips.
    “Kiss me, Tank.”
    And then he was kissing her hard and possessively. The action was filled with heat, power, dominance, and intensity. They had a lot of sexual tension bouncing between them, and it fueled her desire even more.
    He speared his tongue out, slipped it along her bottom lip, and then groaned out loud. Hearing Tank’s desire for her had her so damn wet it was slightly uncomfortable.
    “Touch me,” he groaned against her mouth.
    Reaching between them, she did just that. She placed her hand right over his jean-clad cock. He groaned low in his throat and pressed his lower body into her belly, which had her back slamming even harder against the wall. But it was the feel of his hard dick prodding her stomach that had her breaking away from his mouth and gasping out, needing more, always wanting more. This might be instant, spontaneous, and a little crazy since they’d just come back into each other’s lives, but she didn’t care. She needed Brendan now.
    He was a big man, strong and tall, muscular and tatted up. Bunny felt petite with him, small, feminine. Bunny felt how hard and big he was between his legs, knew he’d stretch her. She remembered their time together, how he’d been the one to take her virginity, to show her what real pleasure was like. She’d been eighteen years old, Tank much older than she was. But he’d been so loving with her, so thorough in making sure she felt good. It was hard not to picture that night so long ago, picturing him over her, his cock deep inside of her, claiming her virginity.
    “Can’t you see how much I want you?” He ground himself against her and then dipped his head low to run his tongue along her bottom lip. “Don’t you see, feel , that you’re it for me, that you are meant for me?” he said softly and moved his mouth to her throat.
    “Then be with me, Tank. Let’s not think about anything but here and now.” Bunny held onto his shoulders, pressed her breasts to his chest, and kissed his thick, muscular neck, wanting him so badly. She felt delirious from her desire. She was ready to tear her clothes off.
    He cupped her cheeks and leaned back to look into her face. For several long seconds neither said anything, but they were both breathing heavily, the sexual tension filling the room and making her high and drunk all in the same breath.
    She knew he wouldn’t deny her. Bunny could see that clear in his face. This was exactly where she was meant to be … where she’d always been meant to be. It just took her too damn long to come to that realization.

Chapter Ten
    Tank loved her and would do anything for her.
    Bunny was it for him, had always been the one that got away. He might not have gone after her, which had been a fucking stupid ass move, but they’d both made mistakes, and the past was just that … the past.
    “Be with me, Tank,” she whispered, her head now resting on his chest, her hands wrapped around his biceps. “Let’s pretend all this time hasn’t passed.”
    He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back gently so she was forced to look at him. “Nothing matters except now, Bunny. Okay, baby?”
    She nodded and smiled, and the sight of that small gesture slammed right into his heart. “I love you so fucking much.” He couldn’t stop the words from coming out, but he also didn’t care if they made him look like a pussy. He loved this woman, and fuck anyone else that tried to say he was weak because of it.
    Wrapping his arms around

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