In the Beginning...
series of numbers. “The code for this room, our
home, is 15769. Do you think you can remember it? 15769.”
    “Aren’t you afraid I’ll use the code to
escape? I don’t plan on staying here with you.” The longer she was
with him, the more Mickey started to question if she’s been dragged
into some alternate Wonderland. What kind of kidnapper gave their
victim the means to escape?
    “You won’t.” He carried her into the suite,
and Mickey felt her eyes widen when she got her first look of the
antiques that populated the suite. And it was definitely a suite,
with a sitting area, eating area, and balcony. At least two
bedrooms were visible from the hallway door. And along each wall,
out of the man’s walking path, were antiques of every variety.
Statues, furniture, brick-a-brack. This man was a serious
collector. And every piece was fine and detailed. Art.
    Why would a man like him, with this kind of
disposable income, need to kidnap the granddaughters of one of the
wealthiest men in the U.S.? Either they saw her and her sister in
the bar—where they’d each only had one drink, for crissakes!—or,
and this seemed more likely considering he’d asked her about her
grandfather, he had taken her for one thing. Vengeance.
    Just like the man who’d attacked Mallory
eight years ago. Mal had been at TI, in the parking garage, when a
man their grandfather had fired cornered her. He’d attacked her,
beaten her, raped her, and left her by her grandfather’s car.
Mickey and Josey—both barely sixteen at the time—had found Mal by
Uncle Jason’s car. She’d crawled there, knowing he’d find her and
take care of her.
    Mickey would never forget seeing her proud,
strong, beautiful sister like that. Ever.
    And their grandfather’s
response had been complete nonchalance. He’d told Mickey’s father
that Mallory should
have been more careful. Mickey had hated the old man ever since
she’d heard him say those words outside the private hospital room
that night.
    Mickey knew that’s why she had been taken. Her and Mallory.
Because of their grandfather. “It won’t work!”
    He sat her on her feet. “What won’t
    “Getting back at Grandfather
for whatever he’s done to you. Not by using me or Mallory.
Grandfather hates us.”
    The man frowned. “Why would your grandfather
hate you and your sister?”
    “Simple. Because we have the
wrong sex chromosomes. We are girls.
    Guess your little plan won’t work.”
    “Vengeance may have been our plan earlier. I
will never lie to you.”
    “But it’s suddenly not? Why
should I believe you?” Mickey studied every aspect of the room,
though she did not move from the spot where he had placed her. She
would only have one real chance to escape him. She would have to
plan it, and make it good. Do the unexpected. Instead of the doors
leading out of the suite, the balcony, maybe? Of course, that was
counting on there being steps to the ground level. Once on the
ground, she could find a way off the property. Then she could find
a phone and call Rand, or Uncle Jason. They would find her. Then she could
lead them back to Mallory.
    “You have no reason to, but someday you will
understand why I have to do this.”
    “You are insane, aren’t you? But you’re
wealthy enough that people humor you.” Was that it? Were all of
these people on his payroll, and paid so well they turned a blind
eye to his criminality? That would hamper her chances for
    “No, not insane.” He grabbed her arm, ran his
fingers down her skin to her hand. He pulled her toward him. Mickey
thought about resisting, but forced herself to comply. She needed
to somehow get him off guard.
    It was the only way.

Chapter Five

    His Rajni was plotting against him. Theo
knew it, knew it was behind her complacency. Spirited, despite her
quiet ways. The Goddess had chosen well for him, when she chose
this girl to be his mate. “Come, sit. They will be bringing you new
clothing that befits your new

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