
Free Celebromancy by Michael R. Underwood

Book: Celebromancy by Michael R. Underwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael R. Underwood
Tags: Urban Fantasy
rapid succession: tops, bras, skirts, and more.
    The world fell away, leaving only Ree, Jane, and the ecstatic joy of discovery.
    •   •   •
    Hours later, Ree woke to the sound of screaming.

Chapter Six
    Tinseltown Throwdown
    A new flame for Jane Konrad? Star seen partying downtown with Awakenings screenwriter Ree Reyes. Ity.bty/3gw0aj
    —@WTFStars, 03:17, May 24, 2012
    Hawt! I’d love to get in that lez sandwhch. MT @WTFStars Star seen partying downtown. Ity.bty/3gw0aj
    —@ZachAttk96, 03:19, May 24, 2012
    @WTFStars She’s obv. in no condition to be working. @RealJaneK Sort yr shit out before U fuck this girl’s life up 2.
    —@MaddowsWife, 03:18, May 24, 2012
    Ree shot up in bed. She looked around in the moonlight-gray room, going from sleeping-off-the-drunk to wide awake in a millisecond. Pawing her way around the nightstand, she found her glasses and put them on the double. Her farther-away-than-her-nose-vision enabled, Ree searched the room for whatever it was that would cause someone to be screaming bloody murder.
    Something hit her on the hip, and Ree saw Jane flailing in her sleep, looking like she was trying to wrestle someone who wasn’t there, full-on night-terror-style.
    Ree reached out and shook Jane’s shoulder, shouting, “Jane! Wake up! It’s just a dream!” Jane seemed to turn at her voice but continued fighting with the invisible terror.
    And then something hit Ree in the shoulder and knocked her off the bed. Something that wasn’t Jane.
    Ree’s voice and world wobbled as she conceded the point. “Not a dream! Definitely not a dream!”
    A light turned on from the front room of the trailer, and then the bedroom door burst open, showing Danny, lit from behind, wearing boxers and a sleeveless shirt.
    “Jane?” Danny called, holding a shotgun in one hand.
    Ree righted herself, tried to ignore the fact that she was naked in a room of at least two (three?) people, only one of whom she’d intended to see her that way. Instead, she focused on the invisible thing that had just hit her. She narrowed her eyes and tried to see . . . whatever it was. The light from the living room should have been enough to see the attacker, but all she saw was Jane fighting for her life.
    Ree reached down again to find her jacket, pulled out the lightsaber she kept on her always, and lit it. The blade leaped to life, blue light filling the room.
    Fuck secret identities.
    She still couldn’t see Jane’s attacker, so Ree stepped up and sliced horizontally where the creature should have been. The blade skipped off of an invisible nothing like it was a force field.
    “The fuck?” Ree said, spinning the blade around and trying to stab it. The blade bit in, and Ree felt like she was holding a stick dipped in quicksand.
    “Duck!” Danny said from behind her. Ree did so and saw that he was maneuvering for a clear shot. But it didn’t seem like he could see the thing any better than she could.
    Ree squatted on the floor, shaking Jane’s arm.
    “Wake up!” she shouted, but Jane was still locked in a dream, struggling and screaming with her eyes closed.
    Ree cut through where the creature should have been again and felt the blade skip off like it was plated in adamantium.
    The lightsaber wasn’t working. Maybe some good old Hapkido would fare better. She dropped the blade, which extinguished and returned to being a lifeless plastic prop as soon as it left her grip.
    She stayed low.
    “All yours!” Ree said, letting Danny have a shot. The gun went off, almost deafeningly loud inside the trailer. She heard the impacts, but Jane still struggled. Danny fired twice more, but it didn’t seem to do anything.
    “My turn!” Ree said, waving behind her to get Danny to stop. She re-assessed where the thing should be, and dove forward. She slammed into something that was both heavy and insubstantial, like thick gas in a plastic case. Ree felt around for limbs, trying to use her sense of touch to figure out which way

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