Reckless Love (Satan's Prophets MC, Book 2) (Satan's Prophets MC Series)

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Book: Reckless Love (Satan's Prophets MC, Book 2) (Satan's Prophets MC Series) by Jacqui Leigh Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacqui Leigh Jones
climate. Now that he took a good look at these other two bikers, he was doubly glad he was getting the hell out of there.
    Opening the door at their knocking, David tried not to act nervous. “Striker, what can I do for you and your—uh, friends?”
    “My brother here is lookin’ to buy a house. Thought we’d come over and take a look at this one.”
    David opened the door wider and had to jump out of their way as they walked in like they owned the place. Mick liked what he saw. The rooms were nice and big and he already knew where he was going to put a pool table. He skipped going upstairs, as he was more interested in finding out about the land surrounding the house.
    “I don’t need to see the bedrooms. Let’s go outside. How much land we talking about here?” he asked David.
    “The house comes with five acres of land.”
    Mick realized this house was perfect for his needs. He could picture where he would build his bike repair garage. “How much ya asking for it?” Mick lit up a smoke as he waited for the answer. When David said he wanted one hundred and fifty grand, he noticed Striker frowning at him. When Mick put his hand behind his back and rubbed the waistband of his jeans, Dave changed his price.
    “But that was before I noticed the house could use a new roof,” Dave quickly added. “Make that one hundred and twenty grand, and it’s all yours.” Striker smiled and Mick relaxed his hand back to his side.
    Mick started figuring in his head. He had a few different bank accounts in different towns, and when he added amounts up, he figured he had close to that much money saved. And if he didn’t have exactly the sum he needed, he would ask Jaz to lend it to him. She had offered him a cut of the money she gained from her deceased dad’s illegal activities, but Mick wouldn’t take a penny of it.
    “Start getting the paperwork drawn up or whatever you need to do, and I’ll be back with the money in two days.” Mick stared at David. “I want this house, so it’d better not be sold before I get back. Hear me?”
    David swallowed nervously. “Yes. I hear you.”
    It only took one day to gather up all his money and he was surprised to see he had more money in his savings than he’d thought. So now all he had to do was sit tight and wait until the home-buying process was completed. Mick thought he was being generous when he gave David two weeks to move out. In the meantime, he still needed to head over to Vestal and see the bail bondsman, Tom.

    Peter asked Renee where she would like to go one Friday night. Renee wanted to go to the drive-in movie. It was retro movie night and “Road House” was the feature film. She just loved Patrick Swayze.
    They were sitting in his car watching the movie when Renee turned her head out of curiosity to look at another car that had pulled up in the spot next to them. Peter squeezed her knee hard with his fingers to turn her attention back to him. Then, he grabbed her arm forcibly and pulled her closer.
    “Come sit next to me, darling.” He put his arm around her shoulders. Renee unconsciously rubbed her arm where Peter had gripped her. Peter, seeing her do that, was seething mad at himself. He knew he had to be more careful with Renee and try to control his rash impulses.
    Renee tried to move away, but he kept his arm tightly around her shoulders. She was getting annoyed with him and all this closeness.
    “Peter, let me go. It’s too muggy out to sit so close together.”
    She tried to move away again. Peter didn’t let her go. Instead, he leaned in closer and kissed her gently. He used his tongue to open up her pursed lips. When he darted his tongue in and out of Renee’s mouth, he was disappointed she didn’t reciprocate. He tried once more, hoping she would show some enthusiasm.
    Renee was silently trying not to gag on Peter’s tongue. She squeezed her eyes shut tighter and hoped he would hurry up and get his tongue out of her mouth and be done

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