
Free Plunge by Heather Stone

Book: Plunge by Heather Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Stone
is in a long off-white dress that hugs her curves perfectly. She shows just enough cleavage to make me sweat, but still be appropriate.
    She’s beautiful, and she’s mine.
    The thought sends chills down my spine and butterflies to my stomach. I’m a pussy. I admit it. This girl still causes my body to react. She’s everything.
    She gives me a shy smile as she walks in my direction. I can feel the goofy grin on my face. I’m sure I look like a douche, but I don’t give a fuck. She’s all I care about today. Despite all the tough times she has been my rock and today I get to make her my wife.
    The closer she gets to me, the more stunning she is. I’m a lucky bastard and every other male in here knows it. If I could pull my eyes away from Sam, I’d see it all over their admiring faces, but I can’t. I’m entranced by this siren walking towards me. She grabs my hand, and we turn towards the officiant, my eyes never leaving hers.
    She leans into me. “You look pretty hot in that suit,” she says with a grin.
    “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Her smile brightens her eyes and I can see my happiness reflected in them. “I love you, Samantha Brighten.”
     It was a less than perfect start to our relationship, but like they say, what doesn’t kill you and all that jazz. I’ve never been this certain of anything. Samantha is my fantasy come to life. I don’t need others to see the crazy shit this woman does to me. We live out our own porno every day and it’s hotter than anything you’ll see on But I’m not sharing this one with anyone.
    She is officially mine for eternity.

    The End
    Follow the Brighten Sisters in Plow
    Coming soon . . .

    T hank you to all my family and friends!
    Giant thanks to Indie After Hours, Behind the Writer, Linda from Sassy Savvy Fabulous and Lisa from The Rockstars Of Romance.
    Thank you to all the bloggers and readers for taking the “plunge” and reading this book!

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