The Running Series Complete Collection: 3-Book Set plus Bonus Novella

Free The Running Series Complete Collection: 3-Book Set plus Bonus Novella by Suzanne Sweeney

Book: The Running Series Complete Collection: 3-Book Set plus Bonus Novella by Suzanne Sweeney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Sweeney
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Contemporary, new adult, Football, beach
watching me.  Look, if you don’t want to spend time with me, that’s fine.  Believe me, I understand.  But don’t sit there and pretend you didn’t see me.”  I will not be played the fool by anyone, not even Evan.
    Evan takes my hand and looks directly into my eyes and when he speaks, it is clear that he is being sincere. “Juliette, listen.  The person you saw on my deck was not me.  I have a friend staying at my place for a few days, and it must have been him that you saw.  Can you describe what he looked like?”
    Now that I think about it, I never did get a look at his face.  I’m immediately brought back to my first sighting of Evan, right here in this very place.  He wasn’t alone.  He was with someone I presume was his friend.  Although this unknown stranger was blonde, he was every bit as fit and toned as Evan.  Both men were about the same height, age, and size.  “Well, he was your height, your build and your age, walking around on your deck.”  Guilty until proven innocent.
    “And his hair?  What color was it?”  He still hasn’t released my hand.
    “I couldn’t tell.  He was wearing a hoodie.  If it wasn’t you, Evan, who was that?” 
    “That was my best friend, Adam Cooke.  He works for the team, too.  He relocated to New Jersey with me and he’s closing on his house in a few days.  I’m letting him stay with me until then.  I’d love for you to come over and meet him.  That is, if you’re still speaking to me.”
    I still have one big unanswered question.  “Then why was he staring at me and watching me on the beach, Evan?  Is your friend a creeper or a stalker or something?”
    Evan releases my hand and laughs at me.  He actually laughs at me!  “I suppose that’s because I told him all about you.  The moment he saw a beautiful brunette running with her dog early in the morning, he came in to tell me.  By the time I came out, you were gone.”  He reaches down to pet Maddy and smirks.  “Do you believe me?” 
    I can’t find any holes in his explanation.  Perhaps he’s telling the truth.  “I guess it’s possible.  But I really thought it was you.”
    “That means there’s only one thing left to do.  You have to meet Adam.  When’s your next day off?” 
    Suddenly, I feel my heart beating rapidly.  The caffeine from the tea and chocolate are kicking in and my mind is reeling from the recent developments.
    “I have to work tonight and Saturday, but I’m off Sunday.  What do you have in mind?”  If I’m being honest with myself, I have to admit that I wouldn’t mind seeing him again.
    “How about dinner?  At my house.  You can meet Adam and we can hang out.” 
    It sounds innocent enough.  “OK, but I’m bringing dessert.”
    “Do you have your phone with you?  I’d like you to take my number in case something comes up.”
    “Yeah, it’s in the car.  Can you watch the dog?  I’ll be right back.”  As quickly as I can, I retrieve my phone and sit back down.  I start a new contact entry in my contact list and it occurs to me, “Evan, I don’t know your last name.”
    “Thomas.  Evan Thomas,” he gives me his number and I carefully program it into my phone.
    “I’d like you to take my number, too.  You know, just in case.”  I try not to sound overly needy.  “You don’t have to call me unless something comes up and you need to cancel.”
    After programming his phone, he stands and faces me.  He reaches out to take my hands and help me up.  “I wish I could stay here all day and talk with you, but Adam’s going to think I got mugged if I don’t come back with his latte soon.” 
    Before I have any time to react, Evan is wrapping his arms around me and giving me a hug.  Instinctively, I hug him right back, enjoying the feel of his muscular frame in my hands.  My nerve endings are firing and I take a deep breath to try to clear my head.  He hugs me tighter. 
    I feel his hand move from my lower back

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