Pleasure Bound - Complete

Free Pleasure Bound - Complete by Jan Springer

Book: Pleasure Bound - Complete by Jan Springer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jan Springer
    Confusion and anticipation ripped her apart. Did she want to be dominated by this male? The answer came quickly.
    Yes, she wanted Joe. She wanted him with all her heart. And she’d do anything for him. Anything!
    “I love you, Joe.”
    Although the words were a mere whisper, they sounded like a shout as they curled through the crashing waterfall.
    His eyes sparkled proudly at her answer and his large hands curled over the curve of her hips sending fire ripping through her very core.
    “I love you too, Annie. Damn it! I do love you.” He said it as if he’d just realized the fact.
    And then he laughed. The sound came from deep within his chest. A wonderful seductive sound that sent chills of joy cascading through her.
    His hot slippery hands slid over her hips to cup her bare ass cheeks and he swept her into his embrace. His shaft pressed hard against the opening of her vagina and she ached for him to penetrate her. To take her and quench the fire that burned inside her.
    Instead, he kissed her. Hard and with so much emotion that the fierceness of his lips stole her breath from her lungs and shocked her brain.
    She’d just told a slave she loved him. How could this be? How had he changed her whole life in such a short time?
    He was a dangerous male. Exciting. Addictive. Like a drug. And she wanted him all to herself. She would die fighting to protect him from their plans.
    The last thought startled her and then the realization sank deep into her brain. Yes, she would die fighting for him…
    A hot thumb rubbed her clitoris, the intense pressure making her hips arch into his hand. He began to rub furiously until her cries ripped free from her mouth and into his. He rubbed so hard the pleasure became unbearable and her body exploded in convulsions.
    His finger fell away and his thick penis entered her wet pussy in one swift deep stroke, surprising her with its killing pleasure. The rocks beneath her feet shook as he withdrew and pounded into her again.
    And again.
    She bucked, welcoming his wild delicious strokes. Violent tremors laced through her. She ripped her mouth away, gasping madly for air. Stars danced behind her eyes as an orgasm gripped her.
    Grabbing his powerful shoulders for support, she held on as he continued to thrust his huge cock into her. The scent of their lovemaking filled the air. The sucking sound of his solid thrusts was like music to her ears.
    She came again, her body convulsing wildly. The piercing pleasure made her scream. The roaring water carried her cries downstream.
    His teeth were grit in determination, the corded muscles in his neck thick and pulsing as he continued to fuck her. Yet during all this time he somehow maintained eye contact. It was as if he couldn’t get enough of looking at her. As if he wanted to see the pleasure enveloping her face.

When he noticed she was watching him, he fucked her harder until she closed her eyes and screamed. The man was an animal in the frantic way he pumped into her. Hard and primal and oh so deliciously good.
    He drove her toward yet another orgasm. When she began to come down from it, she could hear Joe’s ragged hiss as he shot his hot seed deep into her.
    Chapter Ten
    Joe Hero had never been in love before. Didn’t have anything to compare to this insane fascination he had for Annie. Actually it was more than attraction.
    Under the waterfall when he’d made love to her, he hadn’t been able to tear his eyes from her face. As he’d looked at the ecstasy shining there, something had just snapped inside him.  Suddenly he’d realized he couldn’t live without her warm soft body pressed against his. Couldn’t live without hearing her sweet voice whisper, “I love you”.
    She was a beautiful woman who wanted to be loved. And he wanted to be the one to do the loving.
    “What are you thinking, Joe?” she asked, as she snuggled closer to him.
    With one finger she drew lazy circles around his left nipple and he sucked in his

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