On the Edge of Destiny (Book 3) (A Vampire SEAL Novel)

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Book: On the Edge of Destiny (Book 3) (A Vampire SEAL Novel) by S.B. Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.B. Alexander
changed in that moment, in that truck. Without a doubt, Webb London was my future.

    We’d stayed in the parking lot for nearly an hour without any distractions. Dad hadn’t even called, which surprised me. Regardless, Webb and I kissed a lot and talked about us, and nothing more. We decided we’d try to steal as much time to see each other when we could. He had a job to do, and our time together would be minimal, especially with Dad around, dictating.
    The rain had stopped, and the sun peeked through the clouds every now and again.
    When we were finally on the road again, Webb didn’t let go of my hand until we drove up to the security gate, and he rolled down the window.
    “Lieutenant London?” Kraft nodded. “Welcome back.”
    “Thanks. How is everything here?” Webb asked.
    Kraft was a sentinel who moonlighted as a guardian at St. Anne’s Academy, the vampire school I was banned from until my court hearing with the Council of Eternal Affairs. I guessed today he was playing sentinel and not guardian.
    Kraft bent his mammoth body down, looking in. His blond hair was tied back in a low ponytail, and he was wearing his fingerless gloves. The only time I’d seen all the sentinels wearing them was when we stormed the mansion. I wasn’t sure of the purpose of them. Maybe it was a fashion statement.
    “Jo.” Kraft nodded, his mahogany eyes latching onto mine.
    “Is there a problem, Sentinel?” Webb asked, glancing between Kraft and me.
    Kraft had been the one to give me blood after I battled Blake Turner. When he did, I had a vision of him and a lady friend of his. I still wasn’t sure what that was all about, and I didn’t care to revisit it. It would just open up more questions, and given the events of the past week—heck, the past two days—I wasn’t prepared to even think about my blossoming powers. Not right now anyway.
    “No, sir,” Kraft said. “I’m sure the commander will fill you in on the activity we’ve had around here. Jo, nice to see you again.”
    Webb nodded while Kraft stepped away from the truck.
    As we waited for the gate to open, Webb asked, his tone a possessive growl, “Do you want to tell me what that look between you and Kraft was all about?”
    “Jo, you’re avoiding the question.” Annoyance weaved through each of his words. He drove through the gate.
    The branches of the trees along the road rustled in the light wind. Webb gave the truck some gas as he steered around the winding way leading to the main building.
    “So Kraft looked at me. I’m not sure what you’re insinuating.” Was Webb London jealous?
    A muscle jumped in his jaw. “Mmm” was all he said as he wound around the main complex.
    We finally parked in a spot with Webb’s name on it. Each vampire SEAL had their own spot reserved for them, as evidenced by the signposts. Webb’s spot sat between Dad and Tripp’s.
    I was ready to bolt when Webb grasped my arm. “Yes?” I asked.
    “You would tell me if there was anything between you and Kraft.”
    “Webb…” I paused, mainly because the anger in his eyes had switched to something else. What? I couldn’t be sure. “There’s nothing between me and Kraft. I promise.”
    The line between his eyebrows relaxed as he accepted my answer. Then he brought my hand to his lips, kissing the back of it. “You ready?”
    I shrugged. Was I prepared to face the future? The answer in my head and in my heart was a hell no . But life didn’t play nice at all, at least when it came to my life.
    “Angel, look at me,” he said.
    I lifted my gaze to his.
    “We’re in this together. We’ll get through whatever is thrown our way.”
    A ray of sunlight beamed through the windows, highlighting his chiseled features.
    “I know,” I lied.
    I wanted to believe him. There were too many unknowns. What if Kate tried to kill him again? When was Edmund going to make his next move? He did want revenge against my family, and now he also had a vendetta against

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