On the Edge of Destiny (Book 3) (A Vampire SEAL Novel)

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Book: On the Edge of Destiny (Book 3) (A Vampire SEAL Novel) by S.B. Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.B. Alexander
Sure, vampire reflexes were fast, and we usually did things in a blur when we wanted to, but he could’ve asked. I would’ve been more than obliged to hop over the console.
    Running his fists through my hair, he crushed his lips to mine. My breath caught in my lungs. What in the world was going on? So we were parking to make out. Not that I was complaining, but this wasn’t lovers’ lane or even a secluded spot.
    I smiled, and he growled, his hands cupping my face.
    “Kiss me, Jo.” He sounded desperate, scared. Of what, though?
    My smile turned into a frown. Tunneling my hands through his hair, I trailed kisses along his jaw. “What’s wrong, baby?”
    He buried his head in the crook in my neck.
    “Webb, talk to me. Why are we in a parking lot off the highway? You’re kind of scaring me.”
    The vampire, the soldier, the navy SEAL never looked worried, at least since I’d known him. My mind spun with all kinds of thoughts as my heart rate kicked into high gear. Whatever was eating at him, it couldn’t be good.
    He leaned back, straightening his shoulders as the anguish on his face grew. I rested against the steering wheel.
    He placed his hand on my heart. “It’s beating really fast.”
    “Only for you.” The words came from deep within my soul, even though I had a little anxiety.
    I searched his face, trying to find something to tell me what was plaguing him. Instead, I ended up melting at the way his long crescent moon eyelashes framed those amazing heart-throbbing eyes, especially when he gazed at me with such longing that I forgot who I was. I absently traced a finger over his eyelids then his eyebrow, settling on a small scar I had just noticed under his left eyebrow.
    His eyes darkened to vampire black. “Really?” His tone went deeper than surprise, as though he needed some sort of assurance that I meant what I said.
    “You make my world better.” The words spilled easily. “But what’s bothering you?”
    Time seemed to stop as we explored each other. His chest rose and fell with every breath. I didn’t have to feel his heart to know it was beating as fast as mine.
    “I wanted time alone with you where there are no insane people barging in, no one trying to kill us, and a few more minutes to kiss those lips of yours and touch your exquisite body.”
    My lips parted in surprise.
    “You’re gorgeous, Jo.” He tangled his hands in my hair again. “You were as a human, and even more so now that you’re a vampire. My heart beats faster every time I hear your voice. My stomach does somersaults when I lay eyes on you. And the one thing that gets my whole body humming is your lavender scent.” He sucked in my bottom lip. “I’ve never been in a relationship.” He kissed the edge of my mouth. “So this is new for me.”
    His eyes flickered with fear and excitement, and my stomach followed suit. My brain hadn’t caught up to everything he’d said, but the goose bumps and butterflies sure had.
    I raised both eyebrows. “But you just said you dated Nicki.”
    “It was a date and not a relationship.”
    “Is that what’s really bothering you?” I slipped my hands under his shirt, loving the way he trembled under my touch.
    “Our first date was great, but it didn’t end well. Then Nicki showed up. So I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’m worried about us.”
    “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” I didn’t know the first thing about relationships either. But I wanted to build one with him. That much was certain.
    Skimming his gaze over me, he grinned as though my promise was what he needed.
    “What?” I asked.
    “You’re amazing.”
    Large raindrops pelted the truck, creating an ominous sound, one that faded when his lips brushed mine. His kiss was gentle until my hand traveled south over the dips of his toned chest to his abs. Then he looked as though he were a vampire possessed. Gone was the tenderness. In its place stood a predator staking his claim.
    My life

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