On the Edge of Destiny (Book 3) (A Vampire SEAL Novel)

Free On the Edge of Destiny (Book 3) (A Vampire SEAL Novel) by S.B. Alexander

Book: On the Edge of Destiny (Book 3) (A Vampire SEAL Novel) by S.B. Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.B. Alexander
Boston. Cars packed the freeways, moving at a snail’s pace. An image of an overstuffed car lot came to mind as I stared out the windshield. Stop-and-go was the rhythm of movement as we made our way to George’s house in Beacon Hill.
    Once we arrived, Webb climbed out and chatted with George. I’d thought we were switching vehicles, but Stan had told Webb to use the truck so George could use his own car.
    After a few minutes, Webb slid back in. He maneuvered through traffic and onto the freeway. The road finally opened up as the city faded behind us. I didn’t want to go back. I loved my brother and Dad, but I felt as though I was losing the freedom that I had with Webb at his house.
    He reached over the console and laced his fingers in mine. “Do you want to share?”
    The silkiness of his voice caressed my solar plexus, cutting through the despair that had settled in me.
    “Just thinking how I would like to go back to your house.” I stared out the side window. Sure, the military compound was my home, but the place reminded me of all the problems we’d faced with the Plutariums.
    He rubbed the back of his fingers over my cheek. I leaned into his gentle touch.
    “You sure your quiet has nothing to do with yesterday or the day before?” He lowered his hand onto the console.
    I wasn’t sure I was ready to talk about Nicki, but maybe now was a good time, before we both got caught up in the craziness of life on base. Plus, Olivia, the only female sentinel, had taught me to know my enemy, and Nicki was clearly one. “Can you tell me about Nicki?”
    His face tightened as his gaze bounced from the road to me and back to the road again. “Nothing really to tell. I was at a low point in my life when Kate insisted I get out and let my hair down. So she set me up with Nicki. We went on two dates before I called it off.”
    “For one, I wasn’t looking for a permanent relationship. Two, being a SEAL, I was gone a lot. More importantly, she’s not my type. Although, for some reason, she has this notion she and I were meant to be together.”
    And she’ll do anything to get you, too. Boy, the idea of her cutting the brakes is looking better and better. “Is there a reason she thinks that?” I asked, voice low.
    The trees along the highway whizzed by. Traffic grew heavy. The orange signs flashed road construction.
    “It’s hard to tell why Nicki thinks anything.”
    The right two lanes were closed, so Webb slowed and merged into the left lane. After we passed the construction zone, he flicked on the blinker. An off-ramp for Assonet drew closer. This wasn’t our exit. We still had miles to go before we were even near Fall River. Maybe he needed gas.
    “So you decided to drop me off in the woods?” I joked.
    I trusted Webb completely. So why did my body tense? Maybe the red sparks in his vampire black eyes gave me reason to pause.
    He chuckled then squeezed my hand. “Not a chance, Jo. Not a chance.”
    Webb veered off and slowed down for the stop sign before turning right and following the two-lane road for one mile. After flicking on the blinker, he drove into a commuter lot packed with cars and trucks. He navigated his way around to where the pavement met the dense brush. He backed into an empty spot.
    Ooookay. Why were we here? Fear settled in my veins.
    The tall trees surrounding the lot swayed in the wind as dark clouds rolled in. A summer storm seemed to be brewing. He killed the engine, removed his seat belt, then leaned over and removed mine. My tongue wouldn’t move. My stomach twisted, and not in the way I wanted it to when I watched Webb.
    A white beat-up car circled the parking lot before stopping behind a blue pickup truck. A lady got out of the white car and climbed into the truck.
    When both vehicles drove away, Webb’s strong hands were on my hips. Before I knew what was happening, I was on his lap with the steering wheel jammed into my back.
    The sudden motion rendered me speechless.

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