Mitry and Weni

Free Mitry and Weni by Becca van

Book: Mitry and Weni by Becca van Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca van
Tags: Romance
his evil minions.”
    “You were pulled into hell?” Krysta asked on a whisper. She shivered as a frisson of fear raced up her spine.
    “Yeah,” Lavinia replied. “We’ve all been in the clutches of the demonic. We were able to get out when we started thinking about our mates and how much we love them. As soon as we pictured our men in our minds and let the memory of their love flow into our hearts we began to glow.”
    “I burned Apep,” Nina stated matter-of-factly.
    “You did?”
    “Yeah, the fucker was trying to strangle me, but when I felt my mates love flowing through my heart and soul something happened. Apep began screaming in pain and it was then that I realized he was being burned while touching me. I planted my hand on the asshole’s face and he ended up dropping me and running away.”
    “How did you get out of there?” Krysta asked in a hoarse voice.
    “Ra!” Nina and Lavinia answered at the same time.
    “Ra saved you?”
    “Yeah,” Lavinia sighed. “My men were able to follow the connection I have with them and they got into hell, too. They were like avenging angels but when Ra arrived he destroyed the demonic with the wave of his hand and zapped us back here, to the temple.”
    “Is that the room with the glass pyramid ceiling?” Krysta was having a hard time keeping up but her mind kept zeroing in on one thing that just wouldn’t be pushed aside. “If you all and Ra can get into hell, why are there still so many shadow demons getting out of there?”
    “That’s a good question,” Zara said. “I’ve been thinking on that for months now.”
    “I think Ra has rules he has to adhere to as well. There has always been a balance between good and evil. We don’t know what would happen to the world if that balance was no more.”
    “Hmm, you’re probably right,” Nina said.
    “I have a feeling you are.” Lavinia nodded. “Ra probably would have wiped Apep and his evil followers from hell and the world if he was allowed to. He’s definitely powerful enough.”
    “Subject change.” Nina met Krysta’s gaze. “Do you have the marks?”
    “Are you sure?” Lavinia asked.
    Krysta grabbed hold of the neck of the borrowed shirt she was wearing and tugged the neckline down, exposing the top of her left breast. “Nothing.”
    “Maybe it’s because you aren't really mated to Mit and Wen,” Nina suggested.
    Krysta shrugged, making herself look busy by righting the shirt, but deep down she was very disappointed she didn’t have the mark.
    Shit, Krysta, you can’t have it both ways. You either want to be their mate or you don’t. Make up your mind.
    She sighed because the urge to go to Mit and Wen was almost too compulsive to ignore, but she resisted. She had no idea whether they would want to see her again after the way she had treated them. They’d saved her life and she’d been a total bitch.
    “Are you ready to play?” Zara asked, drawing her from her thoughts.
    Krysta nodded and took the proffered sword from her, weighing it in her hand. “What’s this called?”
    “A scimitar.” Zara lifted her hand. “Hold it like this with the curve away from your body. The last thing you need is for the tip to get stuck in or snagged on something.”
    “Yeah, I can see how that would be bad.” Krysta moved toward the middle of the room. She glanced about the edges looking at all the gym equipment and treadmills and planned to use them later. She’d never had the money to buy such things because any extra cash she had went on buying food to feed the homeless. She ran in the mornings along the streets of her hometown but always felt a little self-conscious. Especially when she caught the opposite sex gawking at her body.
    Zara positioned herself near Krysta and with a nod of her head they began to test their skills.
    Krysta blocked each blow and slash with an ease that surprised even her. She’d never moved so fast or felt so strong and with each minute that

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