True Nature

Free True Nature by Willow Madison

Book: True Nature by Willow Madison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Willow Madison
I nibble her neck, pressing her down.
    "Push your hips against me," my voice low and deep, more of a growl. She moves her hips, a rocking motion, her thighs pressing harder, back arching more.
    I pick her up, her legs stay around me, she buries her face in my neck. I carry her with my hands under her ass into my bedroom.
    I stop next to the bed and stand her up, pushing her off me a little. "I want to see you. Take off your shorts."
    She drops her hands from my shoulders, puts her tits out a little more. "You first."
    I harden my look, but decide to let it slide...this time.
    I unbutton my shirt and let it drop to the floor behind me. With two fingers, I grab the front of her shorts and pull her forwards, then quickly push her back, keeping her balanced with only my fingers. Her look of fear is all too fleeting, quickly changing to surprise then a smile. "Undress. Now." I keep my look hard but my voice quiet.
    She hesitates again, looking down at my hand. I move it away. Not looking up again, she slowly removes her shorts, letting them pool at her feet for a second before kicking them behind her.
    She still hasn't looked up, her hair covering her face more as it falls out of the loose knot. I close the step between us, push her purple thong down her hips and thighs. She leaves it at her feet. She lightly touches my chest, just her fingertips tracing the outline of my muscles. The heat of her kiss on the middle of my chest sends a charge down my stomach. My cock twitches.
    I walk her backwards to the edge of my bed. She's staring up at me now. The blue of her eyes brighter. I undo my belt, taking my shorts and boxers off together. They fall heavily to the floor.  With my arm bracing her back, I kneel down onto her, laying us flat against each other.
    I have to hold myself up not to crush her. Her hands are digging into my arms. I push her legs open with mine, her low moan muffled in my chest. My right hand opens her pussy, middle finger barely entering, her heat wet against my palm. She moves her hips slightly to try to pull my finger in deeper. I press her clit down with the length of my finger. Not yet. She squirms but stops pressing.
    I kiss her face, lips, neck, continuing to gently stroke her clit with only one finger, barely inside her. When I feel her pussy lips tighten, I don't want to wait any longer. I force my hard cock inside her in one rough push. She lets out a high pitched moan.
    I stay deep inside her, not moving, feeling her depth trying to take all of me, her hips pushing down into the bed, away from me.
    "No...stay still." She stops moving, her fingers digging into my back, nails scraping. I push harder into her. "Does that hurt?"
    "No," it's barely a breath out of her, "a little."
    "Squeeze me." Her eyes pop open at this. I grin at her. "Go on."
    She closes her eyes again and gently bites my chest as her pussy firms around my cock. "Good girl." I pull out quickly and push in again harder. Her moan is louder, her head thrown back against the pillow. I thrust several times just as hard, my breathing matching hers.
    Slowing down again, I feel her hips grinding into mine, trying to push me faster. "I said stay still!" I stop thrusting with my cock just inside her lips. Her eyes pop open, again. Her look almost makes me cum...surprise, fear...and shame. I grab her hands and hold them down above her head, still not re-entering her.
    "Can you stay still, Lucy?" I kiss her nose. I'm holding back as long as I can.
    "Yes...yes," her answer is more a plead, a moan. I enter her as hard as I can, her breath catches her scream turning it into a strangled moan. My body slaps hers faster. We climax together, as I collapse on top of her. 
    It takes awhile for our breathing to even out, staying in rythme. I slide off to her side, keeping my arm draped across her stomach, hand caressing her tit gently. She slowly opens her eyes.

Chapter 9 HER
    My pussy is still pulsing under the weight of him. When he moves off, the air

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