
Free TroubleinChaps by Ciana Stone

Book: TroubleinChaps by Ciana Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ciana Stone
    Roxie woke, feeling the steady rise of fall of Cliff’s chest beneath her cheek. For a few minutes she lay there, eyes closed, savoring the moment. Then it hit her. She hadn’t woken with a feeling of anxiety. The constant weight that had been attached to her for the last five years was gone.
    It was almost frightening. She started to rise, but his arm wrapped tighter around her. “Roxie,” he murmured, still more asleep than not.
    And it hit her. She was free. Somehow, being honest with Cliff had freed her from the prison she’d built around herself. She’d never stop caring about Danny and would always make sure he was taken care of, but the boy she knew was gone and couldn’t come back.
    The boy she’d loved had left and it was time for her to move on. And the man who’d stolen her heart was there with her, murmuring her name like a caress as he slept.
    She was broke, had no home, no possessions and no job, but she was free.
    Love welled so strong inside her that she nearly cried. But this wasn’t a time for tears. This was the time to celebrate life.
    Her hand moved down his chest to the buckle of his belt. Cliff’s eyes opened and she sat, undoing his jeans. He helped and soon his clothes were in a heap on the floor. Along with hers.
    Cliff started to roll her over on her back but she stopped him. “Huh-uh. My turn.”
    Without preamble, she climbed on top of him, taking his stiff cock in her hand and rubbing it against her wet sex. Cliff made a sound that had her ready to take all of him inside her.
    Trouble was , he was a lot to take.
    “Go slow, baby.” His voice was raspy from sleep and lust. “You’re gonna have to loosen up to take it as hard as I’m gonna give it.”
    That low croon was like throwing gas on a fire. She felt her pussy grow wet and her belly tighten in need. Their eyes met and in the space of a breath, something happened. Regardless of the fact she was on top of him and initiating the penetration, he was in control. Of that, there was no doubt.
    The wonderful thing was that it excited her in a way nothing else ever had. She wanted to impale herself on him in one swift stroke, to ride him hard and fast. But she resisted the urge, working herself slowly onto the length of him.
    His eyes locked with hers as his hand moved to her clit, stroking just firmly enough to have her tingling and flushed, wet and hot. She closed her eyes as sensation started to build, anticipating the onset of orgasm.
    “Open your eyes, Roxie. Look at me.”
    She followed his command and his eyes imprisoned hers.
    “I want to see you come.”
    She couldn’t even muster a word for the sensation that rioted through her. His finger on her clit, his hard cock inside her pushing deeper as his pelvis rose and fell in a slow, steady rhythm. Her hands moved to her thighs, steadying herself. She was about to go. Her clit was hard as a rock, burning at his touch, and her pussy was already clenching against his cock.
    “Not yet,” he commanded softly.
    “I can’t…”
    “You can. Let go, honey. Give yourself to me.”
    Abandon control. Submit . That’s how his words translated in her mind. For a split second she was seized with indecision. But there was something in his eyes, a promise that was too seductive.
    Cliff smiled. Finally. He had her. This time for real. The impact of that knowledge had him wanting to flip her over on her back and ride her like a stallion taking a mare in heat. Fast and hard. But the instant gratification he’d achieve paled in comparison to what she’d just offered.
    “I’m going to stop moving. I want you to sink down on me. Take all of it. Don’t move anything but the inner muscles of your pussy. I want you to squeeze and release. Nice and steady and slow.”
    Her eyes never left his as she complied. The first contraction around his dick sent thrill of sensation spiking straight to his balls, making them tighten almost painfully. His fingers continued

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