In Too Deep

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Book: In Too Deep by Brandy L Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brandy L Rivers
said, “I was stupid. I tried to see the best in him. I was wrong. Hell, maybe I thought my heart was safe because I didn’t really love him.” She swung her emerald eyes toward him, and shrugged. “So, how bad could he hurt me?”
    “ Didn’t he though, emotionally?” Two years, whether she loved him or not, and to find him doing what he was doing had to hurt. He pulled onto the road.
    Fallon half-laughed and dropped her gaze. “He pissed me off, but I didn’t lose sleep over him.” She licked her lips and he caught the scent of caramel. God, he loved the way she smelled.
    “ Hmm?” Brody had to wonder if she thought about him the night before. If she had, he would feel a hell of a lot better about all the things he dreamt about doing to her.
    “ Thanks for the ride,” Fallon said. There was a pretty blush on her cheeks as she hopped out of the truck and strode into the store. She went right to the prepaid display. Brody followed her in but leaned next to the door, watching as her nervousness evaporated and was replaced by cool confidence.
    Charlie, one of the sales guys, looked up and his mouth rounded in an “O” as he got a good look at Fallon. The poor kid didn’t stand a chance. He looked like a preppy college kid. With a winning smile, he hurried over to her and opened his mouth to start his pitch.
    She fixed him with a deadly look. “Stop right there. I know what I want. You can get me one of these.” She pointed to a phone that sat on the display. “And this.” She handed him a prepaid card. “No, I don’t want a contract, and I don’t want any accessories.”
    Charlie stared at her for a few seconds, and her brow inched up as her hands landed on her hips. He finally nodded, then cleared his throat. “No problem. None at all,” he stammered before scrambling to the back.
    Brody held back his laugh as the poor kid came racing back out with her phone and the prepaid card.
    “Can I set up the service and transfer your numbers?” He practically begged. “They are the same phone and it will only take a moment.”
    “ Sure, thank you.” Fallon gave him just a hint of smile and Charlie’s mouth parted on a gasp. Her smile was breathtaking, and he knew Charlie had a thing for tattoos.
    Brody gritted his teeth and shot Charlie a look the kid didn’t notice because he was too busy staring at Fallon. She started to turn back and Brody blanked his expression. With a nod at the kid, she rolled her eyes.
    Her clear disinterest was a huge relief. Fallon turned back but ignored Charlie’s obvious fascination with her. She paid, turned on her heel, and marched toward the exit.
    “ Hey, wait.” Charlie jogged around the counter to catch up with her. She paused but didn’t look up until he asked, “Want to go out for a drink sometime? I’m Charlie, by the way.”
    Her eyes narrowed as she looked over and quickly swept her gaze up and back down his body. “Thanks, but boys do nothing for me.” She walked right out the door and turned toward Inktastic.
    Charlie’s mouth fell open, and he watched her with wide eyes as she headed over to Adam’s shop. “Who is she?”
    “ Fallon, new tattoo artist next door.” Brody nodded toward Inktastic.
    “ She’s freaking hot. Like white, blazing, molten, inferno hot. What’s her story?”
    The urge to punch Charlie ripped through Brody and his hands cranked into fists. He took a deep breath and attempted to calm down before answering. “She just dumped some asshole.” He tried to shrug casually. “The woman needs some time and space.” He may have growled a little.
    “ Oh, my God. You want her? Wow, you really do.” Charlie gawked at him. “About time you found yourself a woman.”
    “ Don’t,” he grumbled, and rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t think she’s going to be ready any time soon.”
    Charlie snorted in disbelief. “Please. Was there ever a woman you couldn’t get before…?” His eyes got really wide as he glanced away

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