In Too Deep

Free In Too Deep by Brandy L Rivers

Book: In Too Deep by Brandy L Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brandy L Rivers
disappearing.” Jess winked.
    “You just miss my chili.” Fallon relaxed, “Y ou’ll have to lend me the crockpot and utensils, and tell me when.”
    Brody interrupted. “All that stuff is in your apartment.”
    Goddess, he really had planned for his family. “Thanks.” She smiled weakly. His head tilted as he searched her face.
    * * * *
    Fallon should have known Brody’s brother was one of Gabriel’s tattoo convention buddies. Gabe had connections everywhere . In fact, Adam did the eagle across Gabe’s chest.
    The conventions never were Fallon’s thing. She figured that out at the first one she attended. Thanks to Gabriel and her Other clients, she had developed a following, which was just weird in her opinion. Too much attention always made her squirm and she felt like she was on display when she went.
    Once she pushed her plate away, Brody nudged her shoulder. “There’s a Cell Shop next door to Adam’s. I could take you by there before Gabriel finishes eating, and he can meet us there.”
    “ Thanks.” She looked over at Gabriel. “You know where the shop is?”
    Gabriel nodded. “I do. I’ll catch up.”
    Fallon gave Brody a smile. “All right then. Thank you.”
    “ Don’t mention it.” Brody waved to Slater and Jess. “See you two tonight.” He offered Gabriel his hand again and they shook. “It was a pleasure.”
    “ You too, my man,” Gabe said cheerily. “I’ll see you at Inktastic in a bit.”
    Fallon groaned. “Inktastic? That sounds so girly.”
    “ But fitting. Adam’s woman came up with the name.” Gabriel grinned and shrugged one shoulder. “They do great work there. Almost as good as yours, but no one is as good as you.”
    “ Hmph, except you.”
    He shook his head. “Not too sure about that, doll. I may have taught you everything I know, but you manage to do things with your wards I didn’t think were possible.”
    Fallon rolled her eyes. “If you say so.” She squeezed his arm as she climbed out of the booth. “I’ll see you soon.”
    * * * *
    Brody followed Fallon out of the bar. He knew she was tense, but her shoulders relaxed as she stepped into the sunshine. Her head tipped back as she took a deep breath.
    “ You okay? You seem pretty anxious,” Brody asked.
    Her mouth tipped up in a smile as her gaze met his. “That went better than I expected.”
    “ How’s so?”
    “ Gabe didn’t go all papa bear on me, and Jess only gave me one I-told-you-so. Maybe they’re taking pity on me.”
    He chuckled. “Isaac doesn’t sound real popular.”
    “ Well, you could ask Jess. She always thought he was a skeev, and I guess some of his… desires leaned that way. He was a good friend for years. Then, I had a momentary lapse in judgment and wound up sleeping with him.”
    “ Two years though?” Brody didn’t understand. Before Sarah, he had a series of short term relationships and one night stands. As soon as he figured out the fling wouldn’t work he walked away before things got serious. Then Sarah came along and things just felt right.
    Fallon sighed. “I’m sure you know how Jess is. She has a vision, and she wants to help stop something bad from happening. Well, I’m stubborn, and I wanted to prove her wrong. So I stayed too long when I knew we weren’t working.”
    “ But you knew it wasn’t working, so why?”
    She swallowed hard and rubbed the back of her neck. “Honestly?”
    “ Mmhmm.”
    “ The sex was good, and we were friends first. I guess I hoped what we had was enough. It wasn’t.” She turned to get into the truck.
    He wondered if she ever let anyone in all the way. She seemed so lonely when she shut the door.
    Brody walked around the truck and opened the door to climb in beside her. “Has he really called that many times?”
    Fallon took out her phone, brought up her missed calls, and held it out. He glanced over as he fired up the engine. 32 missed calls from JACKASS. Brody let out a low whistle.
    “ Look,” she

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