In Too Deep

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Book: In Too Deep by Brandy L Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brandy L Rivers
and changed the subject. “Go over there. I won’t keep you.” He shook his head and muttered, “Lucky bastard.”
    * * * *
    Fallon walked into Inktastic by herself, and the door bells rang. Brody stayed behind to talk to the dipshit sales guy. Maybe that was unfair to the kid, but she didn’t give a damn. Preppy-boy ogled her like she was a piece of meat. At least the dumbass was obedient and didn’t push his luck.
    There was no one out front, so she took a moment to relax and look around. Stupid name or not, the tattoo shop was nice and had a homey feel. The walls were lined with photographs tastefully displaying their work, and classic rock played on the radio.
    There were two tables, one set up on each side of the hall, and a total of eight comfy office type chairs, two on either side of each table. She walked over to the bookshelf full of binders labeled with the artist name and the type of tattoos, and opened the first one she touched. The two pages had photos from multiple angles of a beautifully detailed dragon. The tattoo covered the man’s back and wrapped around his shoulders and chest. Fallon had to admit she was impressed.
    She put the binder back and took another look. The live plants brought a taste of the fresh air indoors. Down the hall, she noticed doors on either side, which were probably where the tattoo stations were. Fallon could see herself working there.
    The bell rang and she glanced back to watch Brody walk in, followed by Gabriel, which reminded her to text her new number to her friends. Maybe trading numbers with her new landlord would be a good idea. She could just imagine his low rumbly drawl in her ear and shivered.
    Right, not happening , she reminded herself.
    A slightly smaller version of Brody walked out from the back. His dark blond hair was short, he had full sleeves on each arm, and there was a mischievous glint in his smoky blue eyes as he took her in. Then he looked back at Brody and one corner of his mouth quirked up before his eyes swung back to her. “Why, hello.”
    She couldn’t help wondering about their silent communication.
    Brody came up behind her. “Fallon, this is my brother Adam. Adam, this is Fallon O’Shea.”
    “ Pleasure to meet you, Fallon. I’ve heard so many good things about you and your work.” Adam had no trace of Brody’s southern drawl. Adam shot another look back at Brody and then Gabriel. “I’m hoping you’ll fill our opening. That is, if you’re interested in working here?”
    “ So far, I am.” She resisted a glance back at Brody. “And your shop is charming. I’m pleasantly surprised.” She could rib him about the name once she knew him a little better.
    “ Good, then let’s have a chat and get things rolling, as long as Gabriel doesn’t mind bringing your gear in. Then Brody can help him move your boxes to his truck.”
    “ I’ll be right back,” Gabriel told her before he went outside.
    “ Hmm, I hear the beautiful Miss O’Shea is here to join our motley crew.” The badass version of Dakota swaggered down the hall with a devilish grin. He wore a lot of ink, and she couldn’t miss the big tomahawk tattooed on his neck.
    “ Tomahawk, I presume.” She smirked. “You certainly aren’t Dakota.”
    Brody moved closer, not quite touching but close enough she could feel the heat of his body . Fallon almost leaned back against him, but she stood her ground. His face moved closer to her ear, his breath a caress. “Don’t mind Tom. He’s a terrible flirt.”
    “ Doesn’t hurt to flirt a little.” Tom winked.
    Harmless flirting was a hell of a lot easier to ignore than Brody’s brand. He seemed to mean what he said and his sincerity was wearing down her resolve.
    She smiled. “Not at all.”
    Brody touched her shoulder and she felt the se nsation all the way to her toes. “I need to go take a look at your Harley. I’ll call later to give you an idea of how long I need to fix your bike.”
    “ Thank you. I trust

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